Lesson 5 Bellringer Remember to write the question and answer in complete sentences. Read the information in Table 5.1 on pg What is the easiest step for you? Why? 2. In step 3 who would you talk to?
Lesson 5 Using Communication Skills Interpersonal Communication Skills Best way to comm. speaking phone letter Nonverbal-body language, facial expressions etc.
Interpersonal Communication Skills express thoughts and feelings clearly I-messages (What are these? This is on the test)
Interpersonal Communication Skills listen
Interpersonal Communication Skills make sure you understand each other active listening Clarify response-I didn’t understand… Restate response- I heard you say… Summarizing- your main idea is…. Affirming- I understand what you mean
What is peer pressure? Influence by people the same age to do something or believe something
Is all peer pressure bad? No, it can be positive or negative. Give an example of positive peer pressure.
Look at page 45 If you hear the statements made in the list on page 45 then the pressure is probably negative
What are the consequences of giving in to negative peer pressure? Harm health Threaten safety Break laws Disrespect yourself or others Break parents rules Feel disappointed in yourself- lower self esteem Feel resentment toward others Harm self-confidence Feel guilty/ashamed
What can you do if you do something irresponsible? Be honest, don’t blame someone else Make things right Analyze the situation- who influenced you? What can you do next time? Learn from your mistakes Talk to an adult about it
Use your book What are resistance skills? aka “Ways to say NO” What is assertive behavior? You clearly state your feelings, beliefs, or decisions and do not back down
What is aggressive behavior? When a person is interrupting, monopolizing, cruel, loud, or sarcastic Which is better assertive or aggressive? Why?
What is conflict? Disagreement between two or more people
What different types of conflict can occur? Within yourself- intrapersonal Between a group of people- give an example Between two different groups of people- give an example
What is conflict-resolution? Steps taken to settle a disagreement in a responsible way
What are the steps to conflict- resolution? 1. Remain calm 2. Set a positive tone 3. Define the conflict 4. Take responsibility for actions 5. Listen to the needs and feelings of others 6. List possible solutions, evaluate possible solutions 7. Agree on a solution
What is discrimination? Distinguishing between things or people by noticing or emphasizing differences
What is prejudice? Adverse judgment formed without looking at facts
How can you avoid prejudicial behavior? Show respect for all people Challenge stereotypes Cooperate with diverse people Show empathy-ability to share others emotions or feelings Avoid prejudicial comments Learn about others who are different
Listening Activity Take out a blank sheet of paper (blank on both sides) Take out something to write with Get a partner Choose who will be the apple and who will be the orange and sit back to back Draw a simple picture on one side of your sheet. Wait for further instruction
Homework Read lesson 6