Pediatrics Pediatrics Hannah R. Meekins Hannah R. Meekins
Colleges Wake Forest University Duke University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Appalachian State University Wake Forest University Duke University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Appalachian State University
Job Shadowing I job shadowed in two locations. In themorning, I shadowed at the Coffee Shop with Shirley Parker, School Psychologist, and in the afternoon at Surf Pediatrics. I found the shadowing experience to be extremely helpful. I was able to ask questions concerning the process of diagnosing patients and of controversial issues surrounding the cognitive enhancement drugs. I job shadowed in two locations. In themorning, I shadowed at the Coffee Shop with Shirley Parker, School Psychologist, and in the afternoon at Surf Pediatrics. I found the shadowing experience to be extremely helpful. I was able to ask questions concerning the process of diagnosing patients and of controversial issues surrounding the cognitive enhancement drugs.
Problems and solutions Problem: Use of prescription cognitive enhancement drugs for purposes other than intended use, causing a wide range scale of social, ethical, and physical issues. Solution: using a more cautious system of evaluating a patient before prescribing cognitive enhancement drugs, as well as taking action to stop the availability of drugs to people not in possession of a prescription. Problem: Use of prescription cognitive enhancement drugs for purposes other than intended use, causing a wide range scale of social, ethical, and physical issues. Solution: using a more cautious system of evaluating a patient before prescribing cognitive enhancement drugs, as well as taking action to stop the availability of drugs to people not in possession of a prescription.
Topics Discussed The function and nature of the human brain. The process of evaluation of students in order to make a classification. The harmful cycle children can be placed in as an effect of lack of health insurance. Forms of treatment and alternatives to medication. Physical effects of cognitive enhancement drugs. Job description of School Psychologist and involvement with students’ Pediatrician’s.
Project Design My project focuses on the growing controversial issue surrounding the use of prescription drugs to higher levels of focus, retention of information, and decision making skills. I focused on three different categories of drugs, memory-boosting, stimulants, and wake-fulness drugs. I elaborated upon their intended purpose and how they are being used by college students, high- powered executives and military personal for purposes other than their intended use. I researched and addressed social, ethical, and physical issues caused by the misuse of the drugs. ssue of cognitive enhancment ‘/