Component Selection By Prof. Bitar
Power Supply Example Input: 120VAC / 60Hz (nominal) Output: 5V +/- 5%(4.5 to 5.5 V) 100mA (max)
Possible Full-Wave Topologies (Assuming Linear Voltage Regulators)
Typical Voltage Waveforms
Begin Distributor Part Search for “Voltage Regulators”
Yikes! Only 41,864 Possibilities… 41,864 Possibilities!
Narrow the Search! In Stock !!! 6,241 Linear
Further Search Criteria Current (100mA) Package / Case (TO-92 Thru-Hole!) Packaging (for shipping) Topology (Positive Fixed) Voltage (5V)
Down to Mfg & Pricing (Note Sorting Criteria) Fairchild Semiconductor$0.32 (More $, but better spec sheets & support.) Micro Commercial Co:$0.20 (Not as well supported, but CHEAP!)
Selecting Part-Number Link Yields More Information Including Price Breaks! Finally a Data Sheet!
Component Data Sheet Absolute Maximum Ratings (Not to be exceeded !!) Input Voltage Max (30V) Operating Temp (-20 to 120 C) Storage Temp (-55 to 150 C) Electrical Characteristics (Under very specific test conditions!) Output Voltage (4.8 to 5.2 T = 25 C) Load Regulation (ΔV OUT / Δ I LOAD ) (60mV MAX from 1 to 100mA) Line Regulation (ΔV OUT / Δ V IN ) (150mV MAX, Vin from 7 to 20V) Quiescent Current (5.5mA MAX) Output Noise Voltage (40uV TYPICAL) Ripple Rejection (41dB MIN) Dropout Voltage (1.7V TYPICAL)
Q: Does this Voltage Regulator Meet our Specifications? YES! OK, Repeat this Process for Every Component… Power Transformer Diodes Filter Capacitors
Selecting a Power Transformer Questions: 1.What voltage do we need? 2.What is the maximum current? 3.What configurations do we need? 4.What configurations are available? Single or Dual Primary Single or Dual Secondary
1. What Voltage Do We Need? Desired DC Output = 5V Minimum Drop Across Regulator = 1.7V (spec) Maximum Ripple Voltage = 1V (guess) Drop Across Rectifier Diodes = 0.7 or 1.4V Therefore, for C.T. Transformer: Vpk = = 8.4V = 5.9V RMS Or for Full-Wave Bridge: Vpk = = 9.1V = 6.4V RMS OK, Looking for 6.4V 100mA (min)
Parts Distributor Search
Possible Choices Tamura 3FS212 : 6.3VAC, 180mA Transformer $3.75
Transformer Spec Sheet
Electrical Specifications
Mechanical Specifications
Hole Pattern Spacing
Configuration Options
Available Voltages / Currents