English Language Learner Services
Concern: The Galileo format does not align to the scoring guides for English Now! After scoring the student tests you will use the following guides to submit scores. Reminder: you can submit scores by scanning a “grading sheet”, or entering the scores manually. Your school-site person can help you with Galileo questions.
Level C Galileo Scoring Rubric - Listening Listening: EN! Scoring Guide =Galileo 0-12 correct correct correct correct correct4
Level C Galileo Scoring Rubric - Reading Reading: EN! Scoring Guide =Galileo 0-4 correct0 5-7 correct correct correct correct4
Level C Galileo Scoring Rubric – Speaking and Writing Speaking and Writing though scored separately have the same scoring rubric for Galileo. ScoreRubric 0Single Words 1Fragments 2Simple Sentences 3Elaborated Sentences 4Complex Sentences