Knightime A time for enhancing student achievement and closing learning gaps
What is the purpose? To provide time in the instructional day for all East Middle School staff to: Work in their content area with students to raise achievement and close gaps on the school wide reading and math goals. Differentiate instruction based on student performance and need. Not a one size fits all model.
What are the goals? Improve to grade level proficiency on targeted school wide reading and math goals among at-risk, level I and II students. Improve to high performing (90% mastery or above) on targeted school wide reading and math goals among Level III and IV students.
How will students be grouped? 1. Corrective Reading—for students reading below a 4 th grade level. Taught by EC teachers and ESL teacher. 2. Core Intervention/Enrichment—for students scoring below grade level in reading and/or math. Taught by Core teachers Reading focus—MWF Math focus—TTH 3. Enhancement/Performance/Competition—for students scoring at or above grade level in reading and math. Taught by Wheel teachers.
How will instruction be delivered? Corrective Reading (Tertiary RTI) Every day, all year or until student exits the program. By EC and ESL teachers specially trained in Corrective Reading techniques. Rising 7 th and 8 th will be referred back to the program based on last year’s rosters—rising 6 th will need to be referred by 6 th grade teachers in the first few weeks of school. Students are tested and grouped according to CR level.
How will instruction be delivered? CORE Reading—MWF Reading Recovery (Secondary RTI) level I and II students in reading Taught by LA and MA co-teachers In-time intervention on gap goals Reading Across the Curriculum Level III and IV students Taught by SS and Science teachers Content enrichment in reading
How will instruction be delivered? CORE (cont’d) Math—TTH Math Recovery (Secondary RTI) Level I and II students in math Taught by LA and MA co-teachers In-time interventions on math gap goals Math Across the Curriculum Level III and IV students Taught by SS and Science teachers Content enrichment in math
How will instruction be delivered? Enhancement Level III and IV students in both reading and math Taught by wheel teachers and media coordinator Opportunity for students to participate in advanced enhancement activities, performance, and competition. Courses Band or chorus—all year, every day Yearbook—all year, if chosen—7/8 only Personal fitness/Advanced Computer Apps- every day semester each course 21 st Century Production—every day for one semester if chosen—7/8 only BOB, Robotics, MathCounts—Tuesday/Thursday—if chosen Helping friends—TBA with Charlotte Pierce
What will every Knightime class do in common? Administer pre-test on gap reading or math goal quarterly. Chart results from pre-test and discuss with class. Develop weekly strategies to address goal. Maintain a weekly classroom PDSA to document progress toward the goal. Administer post test on gap reading or math goal at the end of the quarter. Chart and post progress and report to reading or math goal team. Begin cycle again.
What support, training, and resources will be available to Knightime Teachers? Training on gap goal, presented by math and reading teachers—August 22. (Additional coaching as needed; PLC support) Time line and responsibilities for implementation of deployment plan posted on J: drive and available in hard copy. Pre and post tests, with answer keys, posted on J:drive and available in hard copy. Data collection forms posted on J:drive and available in hard copy. Classroom PDSA form posted on J:drive and available in hard copy.
Resources—On J:Drive and in Teacher Manual ESP Timeline/calendar—chronological listing of dates due and responsibilities ESP Master Schedule—teacher assignments Teachers Need to Know—narrative description of ESP in detail ESP Fidelity Check—Used by Admin. Leadership team to conduct weekly walkthroughs for feedback to goal teams. ESP PDSA form (for ESP Teachers)— used weekly to chart and post progress toward classroom goal. ESP classroom data collection sheet (for ESP teachers)— filled out quarterly by ESP teachers and submitted to Math or Reading Goal team. ESP school summary data (for Reading and Math goal teams)—to be completed quarterly by Reading and Math goal teams and shared with staff on J:drive. ESP Performance Application—used to assign students to performance classes.