Agora/Acropolis Discussion Western Civilization
Questions Before We Begin How was the typical Greek polis laid out? City & surrounding villages (orchards & fields) At center=city on top of an acropolis At the foot of acropolis=agora (town square) Describe the agora. Open-air Political center of the city Buy/sell goods in goods What was the purpose of the acropolis? Defense from other city-states
THE ACROPOLIS - ATHENS 1 – Parthenon - a temple dedicated to Athena 5 – Sanctuary of Zeus (god of the gods) 2 – Erechtheum - a temple to Athena (goddess of 6 – Sanctuary of Artemis (goddess war & wisdom) and Poseidon (god of the sea) of hunting) 3 – Altar of Athena - holiest place on the Acropolis 7 – Temple of Nike (goddess of victory) 4 – Bronze statue of Athena
Acropolis Rocky citadel State sanctuary Best know because of the Parthenon Temple to Athena Undergoing restoration New marble is from the same rock quarry as the original stone Agora is usually at the base of the acropolis
What remains of the Acropolis today
Aerial view of the agora, Athens
Agoraphobia?! Guesses? A fear of public situations Derived from: Agora (a public space) + Phobia (a Greek word meaning fear, comes from ‘phobos’)
English word Greek derivative Acrophobia Autophobia Gynophobia Hemophobia Xenophobia Greek derivative Akron= height or edge of a high city Auto= self Gyne= woman Haima= blood Xeno= foreign