Lodi School District Mid-Year Gains Analysis
2 Executive Summary An analysis was performed from data for 11 schools that used READ 180 and System 44 during the school year. Evidence of Success: 256 of 779 READ 180 students (33%) had years of reading gain during the time frame. 404 of 779 READ 180 students (52%) had years of reading gain during the time frame. 8 READ 180 schools had at least 1.0+ years of reading gain. 58 of 146 System 44 students (40%) had 4.0+ points in SPI fluency gains 72 of 207 System 44 students (35%) had 1.0+ years of reading gain as measured by SRI
3 READ 180 Superstar Students Slide Notes: SuperStars have at least 40 sessions by mid-year, pre-test SRI over 100 Lexiles and years of reading gain during the time frame. The data contained 265 total READ 180 “SuperStars” who have strong participation and Lexile growth.
4 Summary Reading Gains for READ 180 Students Slide Notes: READ 180 approximate annual growth is 70 Lexiles at grades 6-8 and 50 at grades Year of Growth MS Grades 6-8
5 Summary Reading Gains for READ 180 Students Slide Notes: READ 180 approximate annual growth is 70 Lexiles at grades 6-8 and 50 at grades Year of Growth HS Grades 9-12
6 SAM Sub-Group Identifier Data Summary Excluding Students with Outlying Changes in Lexile Scores SAM sub-group data can be imported from a student information system or manually input by teachers & administrators. Students without a gender indicated often have no valid sub-group data in SAM. GENED & English Proficient are default values for their SAM education groups. The data includes students with a change in Lexile of 0 to 250 Lexiles. < 11
7 Summary Reading Gains for System 44 Students Slide Notes: System 44 approximate annual growth is 120 Lexiles at grades 6-8 and 90 at grades Year of Growth MS Grades 6-8 N = < than 11
8 Summary Reading Gains for System 44 Students Slide Notes: System 44 approximate annual growth is 120 Lexiles at grades 6-8 and 90 at grades Year of Growth HS Grades 9-12 N = < than 11
9 System 44 Student Decoding Level Changes Slide Notes: The graph shows the change in student decoding levels from SPI pre-test to post-test Students at the Advancing level are ready for READ 180 The chart includes students with two SPI scores and 6+ sessions of System 44 usage
10 Recommendations Take steps to replicate the success of schools that showed greatest gains. Reinforce importance of on-model implementation to building-level leadership by following regular reporting protocol and review of implementation status. Continue to provide teachers professional development in literacy. Continue coaching to increase implementation and enhance teacher instructional practices. Evaluate expansion of READ 180 and System 44 into additional areas of high need.
11 Appendix
Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Language Arts College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)
Labor Fast - Food Manager Clerk Craftsman Construction MachinistForeman SalesSecretarySupervisor ExecutiveNurseTeacherScientist
14 Grade Levels and CA SRI Lexile Levels CA proficiency bands.
15 Annual Lexile Growth Expectations by Grade Level Scholastic and MetaMetrics analyzed Lexile growth from a large urban district whose demographics resembled those of the nation. Six years of growth data was collected for more than 350,000 students in Grades Trends revealed: Annual growth expectations are greater for students in lower Lexile ranges than in higher Lexile ranges. Average growth tends to be greater in the lower grades, and lower in the higher grades. This chart was designed to set growth expectations for groups of students. A student’s initial Lexile measure should be used to set an individual’s growth goal.
16 READ 180 Segment Completion Gains Slide Notes: A Segment is a unit of READ 180 content. There are 48 Segments in READ 180 Enterprise Edition and 60 in READ 180 Next Generation.
17 System 44 Series Completion and Lexile Gains Slide Notes: The graph shows the change in Lexile for students grouped based on total System 44 Series completed. Students with more Series completed have increased phonemic awareness necessary for reading comprehension.