Teacher’s Corner News from Mrs. Jao’s Class Oct. 5 Second Grade Frog and Toad Day Oct. 10 Teacher In-service No school for students Oct. 11 & 12 Mid Autumn Break Oct. 25 & 26 Student-Led Conferences Dates to Remember September has been a very busy month and we have completed 29 days of second grade already. We have been busy getting to know each other at our Morning Meetings and practicing the rules and procedures that second graders need to follow. We had a great field trip to Da An Park on Thursday and the children enjoyed playing with their classmates and friends. It was wonderful to see all but one family represented at the Second Grade Open House on Sept. 11. The powerpoint that the second teachers presented is available on the Second Grade website if you would like to view it again. I look forward to seeing all of you again at the Student Led Conferences which will be held on Oct. 25 and 26. The children will show you their portfolio, demonstrate some of the skills they have been working on in reading, writing, math and and set two goals to work on in second grade.
News from Mrs. Jao’s Class Curriculum Corner Reading: I have been testing the children individually on their oral reading, fluency and comprehension. We have been reading stories from the Frog and Toad Series and looking at the elements of a story: setting, characters, problem, solution and ending. Math: We have completed the first unit in our math book and the math profiles have been sent home to show how your child is doing. We are now practicing the harder addition facts and learning some short cuts to find the sums quickly and accurately. We have been writing lots of fact families to show how addition and subtraction are related. Writing: Almost of the children have taken a piece of writing through the writing process and have become published authors! Most of them are planning or working on their second book. It is so exciting to see their ideas grow and develop in their writing. Spelling: We have finished our first cycle of spelling and reviewed words with the short a sound. We will review one short vowel sound each week. Their spelling list, which they will bring home on Tuesdays, will include words they miss on the pretest on Monday, green penned words from their writing and other words they want to learn and use in their writing. Theme: We have read lots of stories and books about friends and had many interesting discussions about friendships. Please visit the link on this page to hear what your child has to say about what he/she looks for in a good friend.link
Mrs. Jao’s Photo Gallery Fun at Da An Park