MeasureAfrican-American Asian Latino White Proficient in Reading in Eighth Grade in 2003 (National Assessment of Educational Progress) 11% 34% 10% 37% Proficient in Math in Eighth Grade in 2003 (National Assessment of Educational Progress) 6% 39% 8% 34% 11 th Graders Scoring At or Above the Median on the California Standards Test in Reading in % 62% 32% 61% GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT BY CALIFORNIA STUDENTS OF VARIOUS RACIAL- ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS
Measure African-American Asian Latino White 11 th Graders Scoring At or above the Median on the California Standards Test in Math in % 73% 29% 60% Passing Rates on High School Exit Exam in English in %85% 62% 88% Passing Rates on High School Exit Exam in Math in % 91% 61% 87% Graduation Rates in 2003 for Students Entering High School in % 87.8% 59% 78.2% GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT BY CALIFORNIA STUDENTS OF VARIOUS RACIAL- ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS – cont.
Measure African-American Asian Latino White Eligibility for California State University in %47.5% 16.0% 34.3% Eligibility for University of California in %31.4% 6.5% 16.2% Enrollment as Freshmen in California Community Colleges in %14.0% 33.0% 37.0% Enrollment as Freshmen in California State University In %19.0% 24.0% 38.0% 2003 Enrollment in Intermediate Algebra 12.9%21.0% 11.4% 17.4% Enrollment in Intermediate Algebra at some point in High School 38.7%63.0% 34.2% 52.2% COLLEGE PREPARATION OF CALIFORNIA STUDENTS OF VARIOUS RACIAL-ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS
Measure African-American Asian Latino White 2003 Enrollment in Chemistry 10.8% 20.0% 9.1% 13.0% Completion of Full College Preparatory Curriculum in % 56.0% 21.5% 39.0% Twelfth Graders Taking SAT Tests in % 47.7% 19.2% 27.0% Enrollment as Freshmen in University of California in % 37.0% 14.0% 35.0% University of California in % 37.0% 14.0% 35.0% Passing the English Placement Test at CSU in % 37.0% 36.0% 70.0% Passing the Entry-Level Math Test at CSU in % 70.0% 48.0% 74.0% COLLEGE PREPARATION OF CALIFORNIA STUDENTS OF VARIOUS RACIAL-ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS - cont COLLEGE PREPARATION OF CALIFORNIA STUDENTS OF VARIOUS RACIAL-ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS - cont.
Since 1987, the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), a nonprofit organization has provided comprehensive educational programs to families in schools and the broader community. PIQE offers a nine-week curriculum for 100 families at every California GEAR UP school. Their greatest success has been with immigrant and Latino families. In 2002 GEAR UP and PIQE collaborated to increase the attendance and participation of English speaking families at GEAR UP schools. The program was redesigned to provide relevant information for families as advocates for their middle school children. California GEAR UP & Parent Institute for Quality Education
PIQE: Student Success Rates In 2004, San Diego State University completed the first longitudinal study of PIQE. 241 Latino parents were surveyed who graduated from PIQE in and lived in San Diego. These parents represented 351 students 18 years and older. Findings: –93% of these PIQE students graduated from high school vs. the current Latino graduation rate of 59%. –79.2% of these PIQE high school graduates enrolled in college vs. the Latino college bound rate of 52% in San Diego County.
To enhance the capacity of English-speaking families to advocate on behalf of their child’s education. To provide accurate and relevant information so that families will support their child’s success. Family Initiatives Project GOAL To increase the number of English-speaking families, particularly African American families who participate and complete parent empowerment sessions.
SCHOOL SELECTION Recommendations from GEAR UP Regional Coordinators Number of African American students at school Commitment of school leadership team Active PTA, School Site Council, etc. FACILITATOR SELECTION Recommendation from leadership team Relationship to community Knowledge of the school system Ability to connect with school staff and families Commitment to attend FIP training sessions OUTREACH VOLUNTEERS SELECTION Relationship to school community Parent advocate or school liaison Ability to connect with families and teachers Selection Process
1.Understanding the Middle School Years 2.Family Dynamics and Positive Communication (Self-Esteem) 3.How to Motivate Adolescents to Read 4.How the School System Functions and the Road to the University 5.Principal Dialogue/Community Connection Weekly Session Topics
Project Incentives Incentives for family participation: Pizza party for homeroom class School and GEAR UP memorabilia Theater tickets Completion certificates Special Recognition for perfect attendance Day of event services: Light Supper Child Care Transportation (limited) Payment for Project Services: School Facilitators Community Volunteers Referrals to assist with: School and family issues Social service needs
PROJECT RESULTS Pre-Test Post-Test Q: Have you talked to anyone about college entrance requirements and the courses that your child will need to take in high school in order to prepare for college? Yes No 18 3 Q: Have you talked to anyone about the availability of financial aid to help you pay for college? Yes 3 20 No 23 6 Q: Have you talked with your child about college? Yes No 3 0
Pre-TestPost-Test Q: What is the highest level of education that you think your child will achieve? 12 a. High school or less 1 2 b. Some college but less than a 4-year 711 Bachelor's degree c. Bachelor's degree (4-year) or higher Q: Do you think that your child could afford to attend a public 4-year college using financial aid, scholarships and your family's resources? 916 a. Definitely b. Probably c. Not sure d. Probably not e. Definitely not 0 1 PROJECT RESULTS
Two Year Comparison &
C onsistent C ommunicationC onsistent C ommunication C ommunity C ontactsC ommunity C ontacts C arrying out the FIP C onnection (Family, School, Community)C arrying out the FIP C onnection (Family, School, Community) LESSONS LEARNED
CONTACTS: CA GEAR UP Family Initiatives Project th Street, Suite 10 Sacramento, CA PHONE: FAX: WEBSITE: Marsha King Special Projects Coordinator Jill Campbell FIP Assistant “THE RUIN OF A NATION BEGINS IN THE HOME OF ITS PEOPLE” “Ashanti proverb”