What is the equation for photosynthesis?
Where does the photosynthesis take place in the plant? In the leaves In the leaves In the chloroplasts – due to the presence of chlorophyll In the chloroplasts – due to the presence of chlorophyll
Where does the photosynthesis take place in the plant?
What does a plant need to begin the process of photosynthesis? INPUTS: Sunlight Sunlight Water (H 2 O) Water (H 2 O) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
Where/how does a plant get those items? CO 2 – from the stomata. Stomata are “mouth- like” pores on the outside of leaves. CO 2 – from the stomata. Stomata are “mouth- like” pores on the outside of leaves.
Where/how does a plant get those items? H 2 O – from roots. Travels up through the roots to the leaves through the xylem (“veins” in plants) H 2 O – from roots. Travels up through the roots to the leaves through the xylem (“veins” in plants)
Where/how does a plant get those items? Sunlight – absorbed by the chloroplasts Sunlight – absorbed by the chloroplasts
What does the plant make during photosynthesis? OUTPUTS: Sugar Sugar Oxygen Oxygen
What happens to the oxygen the plant makes? It gets released through the stomata back into the atmosphere for animals to breathe in! It gets released through the stomata back into the atmosphere for animals to breathe in!
What does the plant do with sugar? Sugar is it’s food! Sugar is it’s food!
What does the plant do with sugar? Makes starches/carbohydrates (a bunch of sugar molecules together) and stores it for later. Makes starches/carbohydrates (a bunch of sugar molecules together) and stores it for later.
What does the plant do with sugar? Plants store their sugars in their phloem (another “vein” in plants). Plants store their sugars in their phloem (another “vein” in plants).
Why do plants want to store sugar? Plants want to store sugar for when it’s dark and they can’t make their own food. Plants want to store sugar for when it’s dark and they can’t make their own food.
Why do plants need to be in soil? To get other mineral nutrients from the soil. To get other mineral nutrients from the soil. Just like you need vitamins for healthy cells – plants need minerals too! Just like you need vitamins for healthy cells – plants need minerals too! Plants take these mineral nutrients from the soil: Plants take these mineral nutrients from the soil: Nitrogen Nitrogen Phosphorous Phosphorous Sulfur Sulfur Magnesium Magnesium Potassium Potassium Calcium Calcium
What do plants do with the mineral nutrients they get from the soil? They use them to make up parts of their cells. They use them to make up parts of their cells. Plants use them to make their organelles. Remember: everything is made of molecules! Plants use those mineral nutrients to make more proteins, lipids, etc… Plants use them to make their organelles. Remember: everything is made of molecules! Plants use those mineral nutrients to make more proteins, lipids, etc…
Why do we care about photosynthesis? BECAUSE WITHOUT PLANTS, THERE IS NO US! BECAUSE WITHOUT PLANTS, THERE IS NO US! No plants = No food = No animals
Photosynthesis Recap istry-now/chemistry-of-green istry-now/chemistry-of-green istry-now/chemistry-of-green istry-now/chemistry-of-green
Glucose can be used by the plant in two ways: 1.Glucose molecules can be used by the plant as building blocks. 2.Glucose molecules can be broken down by the plant to release energy.
Food ≠ Energy Be careful…
Food ≠ Energy Energy = The ability to do work Be careful…
Food ≠ Energy Energy = The ability to do work Sugar (glucose) does not do work, but it can be broken down thereby releasing energy. Be careful…
The process doesn’t produce energy directly. In fact, it requires energy. Where does that energy come from? Photosynthesis
Remember… All chemical reactions can move in either direction.
What would the reaction for photosynthesis look like in reverse?
Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is the process necessary for ALL living organisms to produce energy.