Quote to define campaign goes here – can run to two lines. VOLKSWAGEN Love Up! Volkswagen was looking to boost registrations for its up! model during a key period of two weeks up to 14 February As part of a wider ‘Love up!’ campaign, Volkswagen also wanted to offer its retailers the opportunity to take advantage of its long-term, ongoing film partnership with independent cinemas, as brokered by Digital Cinema Media (DCM). By combining digital technology with an investigation into ways in which to exploit the unique geography of its cinema estate (88% of cinemas located in proximity to retail locations), DCM was able to propose mapping each Volkswagen retailer’s AOI with the relevant DCM cinema to give real local relevance to the target audiences. This allowed Volkswagen to run a national brand ad combined with a local call to action. This innovation of brand impact underlined with a direct local call to action is a media first, taking cinema into a new era. Background Idea Think national, act local. Source: Coverage: CAA end Q Proximity: DCM analysis
Quote to define campaign goes here – can run to two lines. Source: Coverage: CAA end Q Proximity: DCM analysis VOLKSWAGEN Campaign Summary To make this happen, DCM had to develop a new technical and operational solution. Historically, such an endeavor would have resulted in producing hundreds of different ‘full versions’ of the ad and pushing them over our content distribution network which would have been prohibitively expensive and caused logistical issues at each site location. A solution was developed that harnesses technology developed for international feature film delivery. This enables DCM to produce the copy differentials as ‘end frames’, allowing the content to be packaged as a standard 30” national ad along with up to 300 x 5” versions of the ‘end frame’ which contains the localised message. We then developed our scheduling system to project the relevant end frame after the national ad onto screens at each relevant site. Campaign Summary Different end frames were created for VW, directing audiences to their nearest Volkswagen retailer. Volkswagen up! sales almost doubled year-on- year during the same period, with the ‘Love Up!’ campaign for cinema playing a key role. VW are now just about to launch their second burst of end frame advertising. A media first and world first in Cinema advertising - ‘National/Local’ was born, offering our clients the opportunity to think nationally but act locally. Advertiser Volkswagen UK Coverage National Media AgencyOMD Creative Agency adam&eveDDB Target Audience25+ Duration24/01/2014 – 06/02/2014 “Volkswagen already has a strong relationship with cinema through our See Film Differently partnership, which is now well-known in independent cinemas across the UK. The local targeting capabilities now available have offered us unprecedented granularity for our ‘Love up!’ campaign, targeting audiences in specific geographical regions and directing them to their nearest retailer.” Silke Anderson, Communications Manager, Volkswagen UK 82 x2 1st