ADVERTISING IN JOURNALISM Colleen Diaz & Kimberly Humphries
Advertising Advertising is calling public attention to one’s product, service, or need through various mediums (i.e. radio, newspaper, television, etc.)
Arguments of Advertising Stimulates gross national product (GNP) by encouraging people to buy products and use services Contributes to higher standard of living, thus keeping businesses afloat Enables consumers to make intelligent choices on goods Encourages competition, lowering costs Allows businesses to tap into new markets Increases awareness of the biases and manipulation of advertising Wasteful to economy Doesn’t encourage intelligent choices; persuades consumers to purchase items they don’t need Not all businesses advertise equally; advertising is a barrier to competition Deceptive, poor in taste Commercial sponsorship gives advertising control of the media ForAgainst
Role of Advertising in Journalism Advertising helps with the funding of news providers, especially for amateur providers (i.e. student newspapers, free special-interest newspapers)
Advertising for the School Newspaper Go to local businesses rather than large chains Be courteous and confident Ask to speak to a manager/the owner Address who you are and why you are there Bring a copy of the newspaper to display the different sizes and various businesses that already advertised Bring an advertising application if hey want to buy an advertisement on the spot or would like to think it over Leave your contact information along with the newspaper adviser’s; take a business card Keep in touch with the business if they will purchase an ad or not; be sure not to forget them because they will forget you