The Hero Archetype Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Why the Archetype? The Hero Archetype or Monomyth was created by Joseph Campbell, a worldwide famous mythology expert. It follows the journey of the hero as he moves through a series of trials and towards his ultimate destiny. Harry Potter follows this journey through each novel and the entire series itself makes one large archetypal journey. So in essence, 7 mini hero archetypes create 1 big one! Clever!
“Call to Adventure” The hero is made aware of a place beyond the world he has known his whole life. A herald encounters the hero and gives him reason to rethink what he “knows.” The hero may ignore or deny the ability to move beyond his world. Refusal magical intervention needed to move the hero forward Acceptance gathers magical items to help on the journey
“Crossing the First Threshold” The hero must cross the threshold to the other world. Leaves his known world behind Threshold Guardian Tests the hero’s ability to cope w/ the situations that will be presented to him
“Initiation: The Road of Trials” Series of Tests = Road of Trials Each task prepares the hero to pursue the ultimate mythological goal. Move from childish behavior & limitations to self reliance &unrealized potential.
“Meeting the Goddess” The hero encounters a goddess figure who is a representation of the “Earth Mother” or source of life. She is larger than life and is sometimes the unification of good and evil. She transfigures as the hero gets to know her better Inferior eyes cannot see her magnificence
“Ageless Guardian” A parental figure is responsible for guiding the hero through the journey. Powerful patron who intervenes as destiny requires Becomes hero’s unseen shield & companion in arms He echoes the need for the hero to break from childhood and enter adulthood.
“Decent Into the Underworld” The hero must descend into a hell-like, sub ground, under world and pass the guardian of the underworld In search of his destiny Defines his supernatural powers through this descent Prepares for a higher heroic state Must face death before he can achieve that heroic state
“ Transformation ” Kind of deification or realization of the essence of life and its ultimate purpose. This may be achieved by defeating the enemy Often acquires supernatural powers Biggest achievement is ultimate selflessness Discovers a new ability for unconditional love
“The Ultimate Boon” Favor, benefit, or blessing that is bestowed on the hero figure There is a drive for the hero to share the boon with humankind Reoccurring theme of immortality, or perfect knowledge, or the meaning of life
“ Return: Rescue from Without” Hero must return to the world Usually the hero must be returned to the world so he can save or heal it = his destiny Someone or thing may facilitate his miraculous return from apparent death
“ Crossing the Return Threshold” Hero comes full circle Must depart from the mystical world he has discovered, and return to the “old world” On the return, the hero must resolve the two worlds that he is a product of to become the Master of the Two Worlds
Classical Mythology Connection Odysseus – Hero who fought in the Trojan War and had to face 10 years of trials and adventures like battling the Cyclops and facing the Sirens so he could return to his wife. Perseus– Hero who is known for the defeat of many classical monsters. He is most famous for killing the gorgon, Medusa, and saving Andromeda from Poseidon’s sea serpent.