Mexico, US Hispanic, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Venezuela are the top markets Adspend Large Small SMALL ABC+Population ARGENTINA CHILE PERU ECUADOR VENEZUELA COLOMBIA US HISPANIC MEXICO CENTRAL AMERICA BPU Large P. Rico Source: Zenith Media, FIPP
Editorial Televisa has a dominant presence in the top markets except for advertising in Colombia... Televisa Circulation status Televisa Advertising share Competitors Mexico US Hispanic Puerto Rico Venezuela Colombia 6 out of every 10 magazines read (EGM) 3 of top 5 audited titles (ABC) 4 of top 5 titles (Zenith) 5 of top 10 titles (EGM) 30%+ (IBOPE) 20%+ (ET) 40%+ (ET) 50%+ (ET) 5% (IBOPE) Notmusa, Expansión & Editora 5 Time Inc., Latina & Conde Nast Imagen Editora 5 Semana, Editora 5
G+J... through strong business relationships with top global publishers and own brands...
1.Latin America is a very attractive market with interesting growth. Nevertheless, it is unstable, dynamic and highly heterogeneous within itself. 2.Only a few players have been able to penetrate and consolidate regional leadership with a targeted portfolio offering. The largest is Editorial Televisa. 3.The key factors of Editorial Televisa´s market success are: Relevant mix of regional and local content ¨Glocal¨ marketing strategy and execution Pan regional and local advertising sales and support teams Influencing distribution at a block level Very flexible cost structure 4.A new entrant must evaluate if these factors can be acquired or developed. If not, an association is the safest bet. MAIN MESSAGE
Leading female beauty & fashion book in the region in the region with over 900,000 copies sold per month Leading entertainment gossip book in the region with over 1.2 million copies sold per month Product Editorial Team Design Structure Advertising Editions Print Strategy One book with local adjustments One centralized group with contributing editors in 7 locations One for all locations Seven different advertising editions, one by country Local printing in each market Four different books Fully independent in 4 locations with available content on line from other editions. Same logo, similar internal structure, different cover layout Five different advertising editions: Two for Mexico, one for the US, Colombia and Chile Local printing in each market Content flexibility depends on reader similarity across borders and local advertising appeal