Check Wednesday Work CW - “Practice and Problem Solving” (pgs ) 4-13 All 4.) 107 Senior/Child, 338 others 5.) 16 ft.² 6.) 12:40pm 7.) 48 yrs. 8.) ) 11 nickels, 7 quarters 10.) 3200 Cells 11.) 122, ) 2 CDs, 3 books 13.) 2750m, 2250m HW – “Mixed Review” (Pg 97) All 14) ) 2 16) ) -6 18) Assoc. Prop. Add 19) Ident Prop Mult 20) Dist Prop 21) Comm Prop Add
Pre-Algebra Class Pd 1 Thursday, Chapter 2: Solving One-Step Equations and Inequalities Lesson Title: Ch. 2.8 Inequalities and Their Graphs (pgs ) Pt. 1 Graphing Inequalities Pt 2 Writing Inequalities CA Standards Covered: Algebraic Functions 1.1, 1.4, and 1.5 Objective: To graph and write inequalities
Real Life Connections: Some roller coasters have a minimum height requirement for riders. Do you think this means that riders have to be exactly a certain height or at least a certain height? … This lesson will help you understand that in some problems or situations a range of values may be a correct answer. Prior Knowledge Bridge: In Lesson 2.4 you learned the definition of the solution for an equation. In this lesson you will graph solutions for inequalities.
Guided Practice: “Check Understanding” (Pg102) 1-7 Independent Practice: Classwork: “Practice and Problem Solving” (pgs ) Evens Homework: “Practice and Problem Solving” (pgs ) 9-33 Odds “Mixed Review” (pg 103) All