Warm-Up What is rounded to the nearest hundredth? Write the question and your answer on your warm-up. Don’t forget to date your warm-up.
Policies Homework is to be put in the homework bin as soon as you get in class. Make sure you are putting your homework in the correct bin. Make sure your first and last name are on your assignments. Always double-check your work for errors. Tardiness will start counting against you. If you are absent on the date that homework is assigned, check the missed/late work folder for make-up work. If you are absent on the date that homework is due, hand it directly to me when you return. If homework is not returned on the due date, 10 points will be deducted from the final grade. If you miss a day, you may check out a text book. It is a great resource to catch up on what you missed.
Ordering Decimals Open your book to page 16. Do the odd numbered problems When you are finished, read about compatible numbers on pg Do the “Check Understanding” examples 1 (a, b, c) & 2 (a, b) in the book. Put this in the homework bin. Make sure your first and last name are on the paper and that I can read your answers. Circle or square your answers.
Estimating to a Specific Place Value We worked on estimating decimals to a specific place value. Try some practice problems. Round three and five hundred seventy-two thousandths to the nearest whole number. Round three and five thousand seventy-two ten thousandths to the nearest tenth. Round twenty-nine and thirty-two hundredths to the nearest tenth. Round twenty-nine and two hundred eighty-seven thousandths to the nearest hundredth.
What are Compatible Numbers? What does the word compatible mean?
Compatible Numbers Compatible numbers – numbers that are easy to compute mentally You can do the math in your head easily. Which of the following are compatible numbers: 36, 6100, 715, 3 4.2, 12290, 91000, 10 But why do we need them? What are they good for?
Estimating with Compatible Numbers When you have numbers that are difficult to compute in your head, you can estimate them to the nearest whole number to make it easier to find an value. Example: ÷ 9.87 ≈ ??? What does that symbol ≈ mean?
Front-End Estimation Open your book to page 20 and read about front-end estimation. Follow the example. Make sure you know how to do front-end estimation by doing Problem 3 in Check Understanding. Work on Reteaching 1-4 worksheet. Pairs – compare your answers. Any differences, communicate why to find out the solution.
Homework Turn in the Reteaching 1-4 worksheet. Homework Practice 1-4 worksheet. Due Monday. Homework Rounding Worksheet #2 & #6.
Test Your tests will be returned on Friday. You will have the weekend to correct them for a recorded grade.