“ A woman who no one came for and no one chased away” A look into the world of Sandra Cisneros
Sandra Cisneros was born on December 20, 1954 in Chicago to Mexican-American parents She is the first Hispanic-American writer to achieve commercial success Cisneros is credited with bringing the Chicana (Mexican-American) female perspective into the mainstream
Her Education Cisneros attended Loyola University and later earned a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Iowa She found inspiration in Emily Dickinson, her favorite American poet, who was confined to her house, just as Cisneros felt confined to Chicago Many years later, she realized that part of Dickinson’s success resulted from her education, a house of her own, and money.
Her Childhood Even though she had 6 brothers, Cisneros remembers her childhood as solitary, which proved important Her family visited her grandparents in Mexico City often, making it difficult for Cisneros to make friends and succeed in school, and she often turned to literature for solace Her family adopted a very traditional perspective and wanted Cisneros to become a “typical” woman and was disappointed when she left home before any of her brothers
About her Writings Because of her unique childhood, Cisneros focuses her writing on that Latina perspective, incorporating not only her own experiences but the experiences of those around her Many of her works are a medley of fiction and poetry "If I were asked what it is I write about, I would have to say I write about those ghosts inside that haunt me, that will not let me sleep, of that which even memory does not like to mention."
The House on Mango Street The novel is told through the eyes of Esperanza- a poor, Latina adolescent who longs for a room of her own and a house of which she can be proud Esperanza experiences “that slippery age when you are both child and woman and neither”—a shy girl who couldn’t come out of her shell The story takes place in Chicago and describes the feeling of being isolated, poor, trapped, and stereotyped HOMS was Cisneros’ first novel and received widespread critical acclaim
Other Works Caramelo (2002) Loose Woman: Poems (1994) Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories (1991) My Wicked Wicked Ways (1987)
From the Author “I like to think that somehow my family, my Mexicanness, my poverty all had something to do with shaping me into a writer” “I’ve traveled [all over the world and] along the way there is straw for the taking. With a little imagination it can be spun into gold”