WELCOME BY CAL Rasma Pipiķe CIVIC ALLIANCE -LATVIA Riga’s report on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region, progress in implementing
AIMS OF THE MEETING 1. Participate in the VI Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region „ACHIEVING E-QUALITY by CONNECTING REGION(S) e-culture, e-health, e-science, energy efficiency, spatial planning. 2. Learn and share from and with our partners of other regions
HORIZONTAL ACTIONS OF THE EUSBSR ACTION PLAN Climate adaptation Involve 1.Horizontal actions co-ordinator (HAC) 2.Invited to focus on activities relevant at macro-regional level, involving stakeholders from different countries in the Baltic Sea region Neighbours Spatial planning
SPINE OF THE DOCUMENT, PREPARED BY CSO’S Introduction A vision for civil dialogue in the Baltic sea region Action towards sustainable, inclusive and participative dialogue at different levels (relation between CS and other stakeholders) Showcase of good practices and suggestions from the CSOs around the BS and other regions
WHAT QUESTIONS WE ARE FOCUSSING ON? Civil dialogue, Access to information for civic society/ CSO’s participation in the implementation of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region Suggestions from the CSOs to the policy makers
Showcase of good practices and suggestions from the CSOs around the BS and other regions
Impressions What did you see? What surprised you? What you will take from the BS forum?
REMEMBERING THE FUTURE 1. A vision for civil dialogue in the Baltic sea region 2. Action towards sustainable, inclusive and participative dialogue at different levels (relation between CS and other stakeholders) 3. Showcase of good practices and suggestions from the CSOs around the BS and other regions 4. CSO’s + academic sector
WHAT CHANGES DO WE EXPECT IN ? Civil dialogue, Access to information for civic society CSO’s participation in the implementation of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region Suggestions from the CSOs to the policy makers
CIVIC ALLIANCE -LATVIA Riga’s report on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region, progress in implementation
Rasma Pipiķe CIVIC ALLIANCE -LATVIA Challanges and possibilities of networking in the Baltic sea reagion- innitiative –myvoice.bs
Driving force for establishing Civic Alliance Latvia – to unite power for advocating common interests of civil society organizatons: Legibility Powerful for advocating Aim To strengthen the development of civil society in Latvia and to ensure favourable environment for development of NGOs. Objectives Increase the capacity of NGOs on advocacy issues Promote participation of NGOs in decision making bodies To implement advocacy based on needs of NGOs To advocate for the resources for the NGOs Established in 2005 by 39 NGOs and individuals; Currently 136 members – individuals and organisations Civic Alliance – Latvia
Channels for participation 1. FAVORABLE LEGISLATION - Constitution – freedom of association - Law on associations and Foundations - Law on public benefit organizations – special status 2. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NGOS & GOV 3. SPECIAL DECLARATION NGOS & PARLIAMENT - ensuring the favourable environment for development of civil society and NGOs. - Equal partners & access to information
Channels for participation 4. NGOS REPRESENTATIVE IN THE HIGH OFFICIAL MEETINGS -Possibility to consult with other NGOs -Possibility to change the regulation 5. POLICY DOCUMENTS – AIMS TO STRENGTHEN CSO’S -National development plan Policy document on integratation, civil society participation ACESS TO GOVERNMENT MEETINGS DIRECTLY AND VIA INTERNET
What is MyVoice /ManaBalss.lv? ManaBalss.lv is a public participation platform in Latvia where every citizen of Latvia at least 16 years of age can submit and sign initiatives and e- petitions for any level legislation change.
WHY? European Comission in the frame of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the Council of the Baltic Sea States in co-operation sets a common need - a collection of information and feedback from the citizens around the Baltic sea.
HOW? The Baltic sea’s citizens initiative would be named Eurosay.com (under ongoing discussions). It would be electronicaly build interactive platform. All participants of the platform would authorise to use platform by using their ID cards or bank ID
WHAT IS REALITY? Over people (around 35% of Latvia's population) have visited ManaBalss.lv 14 initiatives have gathered more than votes, making their way to the Parliament. 7 ideas have become important amendments in national level laws. More than people have chosen to sign at least one initiative, in total more than signatures have been collected.
Thank you! Civic alliance - Latvia Gertrudes street 19/21-3, Riga LV-1011 phone: Cell: