Three examples from Region Zealand Bjarne Rasmussen Sustainable Development Manager
Local Agenda 21 Strategy 2007 Process plan, involvement principles and potential themes by the administration Approval by the Committee Multi-stakeholder thematic workshops Outcome transformed into draft LA21 Strategy Additional suggestions by the administration and the Committee, supporting all proposals from the workshops Adoption of the LA21 Strategy by the Regional Council
Local Agenda 21 Action Programme 2010 New Committee on SD = polical commitment Continued implementation of LA21 strategy: LA21 Action Programme 2010, supported by the Committee and adopted by the Regional Council Additional Committee focus on - citizen involvement: Citizen Summit - SD criteria when constructing new hospitals - principles for new LA21 Strategy process aiming at a high-level political conference
Regional Climate Strategy 2009 and 2010 Suggestion by administration Cooperation between region and municipalities adopted by the Regional Council & Association of municipalities Thematic triple-helix workshops Outcome transformed into draft Climate Strategy High-level political conference Adoption by the Regional Council & Association of municipalities, implementation launched Cooperation expanded to Covenant of Mayors