ESBG CSR « Lab » Business involvement to enhance social inclusion at local level Anne-Françoise Lefèvre CoR Open Days - 9 October 2008 CSR – Business contributions.


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Presentation transcript:

ESBG CSR « Lab » Business involvement to enhance social inclusion at local level Anne-Françoise Lefèvre CoR Open Days - 9 October 2008 CSR – Business contributions to regional development

« Business involvement to enhance social inclusion at local level »  Falls under the EU priority “fostering innovation and entrepreneurship”  Main objective is to highlight the key success factors/lessons learnt for business involvement in local social projects, seeking to empower socially and financially excluded people  Specific focus on social entrepreneurship or the expansion of access to finance/financial services, including through microfinance activities  Definition of widely applicable principles of action, usable by other businesses willing to develop social inclusion programmes

« Business involvement to enhance social inclusion at local level »  Based on social programmes developed by European savings banks:  Parcours Confiance (Fresh Start programme), Groupe Caisse d’Epargne, France  Support to employment of young people, BBK Gatze Lambidean Foundation, Spain  BEM, financial services and communication centres for migrants, Caja Castilla La Mancha, Spain  Advice and reception programme for migrants, Caixanova, Spain  Die Zweite Bank (The Bank for people without a bank), Erste Bank Foundation, Austria

The selected social programmes  Target groups of population at risk of social exclusion  Provide a wide range of support services enabling beneficiaries to integrate/re-integrate the social and economic life  Include financial aspects (financial education, access to basic banking services, microcredit) as an integral part of social inclusion  Are implemented in partnership with a proximity network of professionals  Are developed at local level to adjust to the socio-economic context

10 key success factors 1.There is ground to develop specific support programmes for the population at risk of social exclusion 2.The fight against social exclusion requires an integrated approach of individuals’ situation 3.A network of local professional partners is needed to offer comprehensive support 4.An important part of the schemes has to be devoted to the prevention of social exclusion 5.The provision of support to (re)integrate social and economic life is temporary

6.The development of projects on a local scale is a key element to deepen the proximity relationship 7.The definition of beneficiaries is requested to provide targeted support 8.Tailored products and services need to be proposed to beneficiaries 9.Businesses have to dedicate specific resources and means 10.The evaluation of the impact of the schemes requires both qualitative and quantitative indicators 10 key success factors

The local dimension of social programmes supported by savings banks  Network of local partners Non-banking experts, e.g. insurance, employment, housing, training, welfare etc Non-banking experts, e.g. insurance, employment, housing, training, welfare etc From the private sector, e.g. NGOs/Caritas, Secours Catholique; companies/Vienna Insurance Group, Adecco; Businesses networks/France Active, Boutique de Gestion From the private sector, e.g. NGOs/Caritas, Secours Catholique; companies/Vienna Insurance Group, Adecco; Businesses networks/France Active, Boutique de Gestion From the public sector, e.g. Municipalities, Regions/Basque Gvt, Vienna Municipality; Social services/Caisse d’Allocations Familiales From the public sector, e.g. Municipalities, Regions/Basque Gvt, Vienna Municipality; Social services/Caisse d’Allocations Familiales  Built on the local connections developed by savings banks where they operate  Trust factor both with targets and/between partners  Facilitates cooperation and the development of synergies between the different stakeholders involved

 Local or decentralised implementation/ management of initiatives  In-depth knowledge of local markets, challenges and opportunities  Definition of sustainable and workable solutions tailored to the local context and needs  Positive effect on the local economic development and social cohesion, including the employment and job creation policy The local dimension of social programmes supported by savings banks

 How can regional/local public authorities support business’ social activities? « Business involvement to enhance social inclusion at local level »  Act as partners of the programmes through: Channelling potential beneficiaries to the programmes (e.g. Magistratsabteilung 40) Channelling potential beneficiaries to the programmes (e.g. Magistratsabteilung 40) Providing social services support (e.g. Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) Providing social services support (e.g. Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) (Co)-funding the programmes directly or through the provision of financial guarantees for the banking/microcredit component (e.g. French Fonds de Cohésion Sociale) (Co)-funding the programmes directly or through the provision of financial guarantees for the banking/microcredit component (e.g. French Fonds de Cohésion Sociale)

 How can regional/local public authorities support business’ social activities? « Business involvement to enhance social inclusion at local level »  Act as promoters of the programmes through: Disseminating information on the programmes available Disseminating information on the programmes available Bringing together the relevant partners/stakeholders Bringing together the relevant partners/stakeholders Identifying specific needs/risks in a given geographic zone Identifying specific needs/risks in a given geographic zone

For more information: Anne-Françoise Lefèvre Tel 