Congenital malformation of brain 1.Meningocele: Partial or total absence of occipital bones results in protrusion of the meninges from the brain. 2.Meningoencephalocoele: Large defects of occipital bone results in protrusion part of the brain and even ventricle. 3.Anencephaly: Failure of the cephalic part of the neural tube to close. The vault of the skull is missen. 4.Hydrocephaly: Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluids within the ventricles or between the brain and dura matter.
Spinal cord defects (Spina BIFIDA OCCULATA) The spinal vertebrae especially in the lumbar region showed failure of neural arch closure and result in exposure of the neural tissues.
Case of Hydrocephaly & Spina bifida occulata
Spina bifida
Hydrocephaly & Cleft lip
Different Abnormalities
Face Abnormalities Cleft lip Cleft palate. Extreme micrognatha. Agnathia (Absence of lower jaw).
Normal Abnormal Bilateral cleft lip Deformed ear NormalAbnormal Anencephaly (missen of head region) Absence of ear
Amelia. Micromelia. Polydactyly. Syndactyly. Lobster claw. Club foot. Congenital hip dislocation. Limb Abnormalities
Abnormal duplication of foot Polydactyly Syndactyly (fused toes)
Club foot
Bifurcated ribs Abnormal Supernumerary forepaw phalanx Absent of one or more phalanges
Klinefelter syndrome. Turner syndrome. Triple X-syndrome. Testicular feminization syndrome. Intersexuality ( either true hermaphrodite or pseudohermaphrodite ). Non-descended testis. Ectopic testis. Genital System Abnormalities
Renal agenesis. Renal hypoplasia. Renal duplication. Polycystic kidney. Pelvic kidney. Horse-Shoe-shaped kidney. Kidney Abnormalities
Diaphragmatic hernia. Failure of sternal fusion. Ectopic cardia. Gastroschisis. Abdominal Abnormalities
Coloboma iridis. Congenital cataract. Anophthalmia. Microphthalmia. Eye Abnormalities