Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 1 Teacher Units and Lump Sum SY April 2011
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 2 SY MAEP Once again, the determination has been made that for FY 2012 the MAEP allocation will be lump sum. The lump sum allocation will provide greater flexibility for school districts in dealing with reduced funding levels. The lump sum allocation means that your MAEP allocation amount will not change during FY 2012 due to revisions of MAEP add-on programs (special education, vocational education, gifted, alternative school, or transportation). The allocation could change due to any budget reductions that may occur during the fiscal year. April 2011
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 3 SY MAEP This is the method of allocating MAEP funds that was used in FY 2005 and FY 2011.This is the method of allocating MAEP funds that was used in FY 2005 and FY Even though add-on funding amounts will not be detailed, school districts will still be required to meet maintenance of effort (MOE) for special education. Keep in mind that clean personnel edits help with your Accreditation edits. April 2011
SY MAEP In order to ensure that school districts comply with these requirements the following steps will be taken: The Office of Special Education (OSE) will allocate teacher units (TU) to school districts in the normal manner utilizing the TU procedure run in MSIS. OSE will review the personnel data as in years past to ensure that the properly endorsed teachers are serving eligible students with disabilities. OSE will work with districts to ensure they meet their required MOE ( ). April Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 5 SY MAEP School districts will be expected to employ special education teachers based on the number of units allocated. Special Education TUs will be posted on the Special Education website. April 2011
SY MAEP Districts will be required to follow the normal process of entering special education teacher personnel information in the Mississippi Student Information System (MSIS). OSE will reconcile personnel information to units allocated for each district beginning with MSIS Month 1 data. April Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 7 SY MAEP Districts that do not employ the minimum number of special education teachers based on units allocated will be required to ensure: –that all eligible students are receiving FAPE –that the district has met MOE April 2011
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 8 SY MAEP Please remember that even though the teacher unit reconciliation process will take place: –there will be no revision of funds allocated during February as in past years –there will be no additional units granted (prayer list) –Federal Table 2 data will be pulled from the personnel snapshot –no additional funds will be allocated for December graduates or for any errors in reporting April 2011
MSIS Special Education Manual (Including MAEP edits): 9April 2011 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education 10 Contact Information Ellen Davis Burnham – Bureau Director Data and Fiscal Management April 2011