ABSTRACT Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have potential application as vehicle for some organic compounds transported through membranes; Anthocyanins are polyphenolic compounds found in flowers, fruits and vegetables and are widely studied for their antioxidative,and antiinflammatory effects The aim of this study is to investigate the biological activity of noble metal nanoparticles functionalized with anthocyanins extracted from Adoxaceae family (Viburnum opulus L – E1 and Sambucus nigra L. – E2) Due to the fact that the psoriasis, chronic inflammatory disease that affects mainly the skin, is a continuous challenge for researchers, effectiveness of topical therapies and nanotechnology based anthocyanins in psoriasis therapy was taken into account in a clinical study. MODERN THERAPIES BASED ON NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY IN PSORIAZIS Adriana Vulcu 1, Liliana Olenic 1, Simina Dreve 1, Luminita David 2, Bianca Moldovan 2, Maria Perde-Schrepler 3, Adriana Gabriela Filip 4, Maria Crisan 4, Ioana Chiorean 5 1 National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Donath Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 11 Arany Janos Street RO , Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 “Ion Chiricuţă” Oncology Institute, Republicii Street Cluj-Napoca, Romania 4 Faculty of General Medicine, Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Strada Emil Isac 13, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 5 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics,, Babeş-Bolyai –University, Kogălniceanu Street, 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS CONCLUSION Silver nanoparticles functionalized with anthocyanins extracted from Viburnum opulus L and Sambucus nigra L. (AgNPs-E1 and AgNPs-E2) were prepared and characterized; The viability of cells decreased dose-dependly, and was significant in both cell lines (HaCaT and A431) at the dose 47.5 μg/ml for AgNPs-E1 and at 2.37 μg/ml for HaCaT, while for A431 was 95 μg/ml for AgNPs-E2; Oral administration of AgNPs functionalized with anthocyanins has antiinflammatory effect similar with diclofenac administration; Anthocyanins influence the structure of psoriasis plaque due to the anti-inflammatory effect, possibly augmented by nanotechnologies. The therapy is promising for future investigations to prove the anti-psoriatic activity. Figure 2. UV-Vis spectra of (a) AgNPs-E1; (b) AgNPs-E2 Figure 1. (a) Viburnum opulus L., berries; (b) Sambucus Nigra L., berries;(c) And (d) TEM images of AgNPs with E1 espectively E2 INCDTIM Nanomaterials preparation and characterization Acknowledgement This work was elaborated in the frame project no 147/2012, through the program “Partenerships in priority areas-PN II”, developed with the support of ANCS, CNDI- UEFISCDI 1. In vitro toxicity studies (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3. The effect of AgNPs-E1 (a,b) and AgNPs-E2 (c,d) on the viability of HaCaT cell lines (Keratinocytes cells) and A431 cells (epidermoid carcinoma cells) Figure 4. Comparative effect of AgNPs-E1 and AgNPs-E2 on cellular viability. AgNPs-E2 show higher toxicity in both cell lines 2. In vivo toxicity studies Figure 5. Seric malondialdehyde level at lots with induced inflammation and treated with NP functionalized with anthocyanins Figure 6. Glutathion level at lots with experimental induced inflammation and treated with NP functionalized with anthocyanins Figure 7. Foot edema at 2h after injection with carageenan * p <0.05 between the group treated with diclofenac and treated with anthocyanin; ** p <0.01 between the group treated with diclofenac and treated with AuNPs functionalized with anthocyanins and between groups treated with Ag/AuNP functionalized with anthocyanins 3. Evaluation of new prepared nanomaterials on skin diseases Figure 8. Psoriasis plaque (a) before treatment; (b) after treatment (c) sonogram skin with Dermascan Ultrasound 20MHz Figure 9. Values of dermis thickness before therapy Figure 10. Values of dermis thickness after therapy