Digging Deeper with the Mathematical Processes GAINS Coaching Initiative Day 1 Friday, November 20, 2009 St Marcellinus SS Room 216 GAINS Coaching Initiative
Prayer A prayer for Empathy Lord, We ask you to help as to look not to our own interests But to the interests of others. May we put on the mind of Christ And be of the same mind, Having the same love as you did for us. Allow us to learn the value of things that really matter And to conduct ourselves In a way worthy of the Gospel. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Amen.
Agenda Where am I with the Mathematical Processes? Dufferin-Peel’s Message and Ministry Supports Deepening our knowledge of the Processes, 3 Part Lessons and Co-planning Co-Plan a Lesson to highlight the Processes Share Lessons and provide feedback Next Steps
Where am I with the Processes? FictionalInfancy Stage Adolescent Stage Reality Choose to ignore that the processes. I would like to use them just don’t know where to start. I’ve looked at using them since last year and have considered embedding them into my lessons. Starting to embed the processes in my planning but some lessons are easier than others. I am consistently embedding the processes in my lessons.
My Beliefs as a Teacher Traditional Teacher Teacher beginning to purse student mathematical thinking. Teacher modeling and helping students build new roles. Teacher as co- teacher and co-learner with students and other colleagues Directed classroom with brief answer responses from students. Teacher plays central role in the math-talk community. Some co- teaching and co- learning begins as student-to- student talk increases. Teacher begins to physically move to side or back of room. Teacher monitors all that occurs, still fully engaged. Teacher is ready to assist, but now in more peripheral and monitoring role (coach and assister).
Dufferin-Peel Beliefs and Ministry Supports All students can succeed given sufficient time and support. UDL and DI are effective and interconnected means of meeting the learning or productivity needs of any group of students. Successful instructional practices are founded on evidence based research tempered with experience. Classroom teachers are the key educators for the student's literacy and numeracy development. Each child has his/her own unique patterns of learning. Classroom teachers need the support of the larger community to create a learning environment that supports students with special education needs. Fairness is not sameness. GAINS (
Minds On: Teaching through Problem Solving Think: ◦ What does teaching through problem solving mean? Pair ◦ Turn to your elbow partner and share Rod and Anne’s Video Comments/ Questions?
Minds On: Co-planning a lesson The GAINS initiative this year is focused on providing teacher with opportunities to co-plan lessons The grade 7&8 teachers this year are co-planning lessons using PRIME to embed differentiated instruction strategies in their lessons and to improve teacher questioning You have been invited to deepen your understanding of the mathematical processes and to co-plan lessons that emphasize the mathematical processes Co-planning a MFM1P lesson on Proportional Reasoning videovideo
Minds On: Three Part Lesson Research has shown that lessons that have three parts are effective to develop conceptual understanding Minds On: activates prior knowledge and diagnoses student readiness Action: student centered learning that uses cooperative learning and flexible grouping Consolidate: teachers ensure that students have met the learning goal by asking probing questions and assigning practice problems MFM1P lesson on minimizing the surface area of a cube video video
Action: Co-planning a lesson You will be placed in a group of 2-4 teachers teaching the same coursegroup You will co-plan a lesson to be taught between now and November 30 th The lesson will: ◦ Have three parts ◦ Have a learning goal based on a curriculum expectation(s) ◦ Emphasize the processes ◦ Focus on problem solving ◦ Encourage student discourse ◦ Have assessment for learning opportunities You are encouraged to use the TIPS2.0 templateTIPS2.0 template Each course group will be asked to share brief overview of their planned lesson with the whole group
LUNCH Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Action: Sharing of Lessons When you share your lesson with the group please: ◦ State the course, concept and learning goal ◦ Describe briefly the three parts of the lesson ◦ Explain which processes you are focusing on ◦ Describe any assessment will you use ◦ What practice/problems will the students be assigned Order will be randomly determined
Consolidation: Next Steps Teach today’s lesson in your class between now and November 30th. Be prepared to share successes and challenges next meeting. Your course team will co-debrief the lesson to determine ways to improve it Bring student sample work to aid in discussion. November 30 th will be a half day 8:30 to 11:00.
Consolidation: Dismissal Comments/ Questions Please complete the exit ticket and hand it in before you leave.