PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Job Hazards Y es Job Hazards Y es Access and Egress Y Moving Parts Activities of OthersNoise Adverse Weather Y Rail Movement Chemical Exposure Y Sharp Edges ElectricitySlips, Trips, and Falls Y FatigueStatic Electricity Y Fire and Explosion Y Trip Injuries Y Ground Contamination Y Trapped Pressure Manual HandlingWorking at Height Other: References / Documents MSDS on gasoline. Unit Safe Upper & Lower Limits Spreadsheet AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabLAB-NM-001B. Gereighty39/13/071 of 1 Gasoline Tank Sampling Environmental All unused samples must be dumped into the Slop Tank on west side of Octane room. Make sure to put back caps on sample taps. All samples MUST be properly labeled. Special Instructions This procedure is to be used every time a gasoline tank is sampled. Any problems, notify Shift Supervisor or Duane Chaisson. Gasoline Tank Sampling 1 Make sure the tank is well mixed before sampling. Wait two hours after the mixers have been turned on and the rundown streams have been switched out of the tank before sampling. If the mixers have been in service at least two hours before the streams are to be switched, then a one hour wait will be sufficient. 2 Use clean dry sample containers. The containers should be labeled before sampling the tank. A waste container will also be required (at least a one gallon can). Always rinse quart bottles with samples. 3Flush each tank sample tap before drawing a sample. Flush at least one quart through each tap before catching the tank sample. 4 Top, Middle, and Bottom samples will be caught on all gasoline finals. Catch 3 quart cans and 3 quart bottles. Make sure mixers are running while the samples are being taken. [Check with the blender for specific levels at which to get 3 samples on all finished gasoline tanks.] NOTE: Sometimes taps will be used and top sampling will be used. When using sampling taps, use delivery tubes to allow submerged filling. When using thief for top sampling, transfer samples to quart cans as soon as possible to avoid evaporation. 5 After the samples have been collected, each sample must be independently tested for API gravity. If any 2 of the API gravities differ by more than 0.2, the tank must be resampled. After one additional hour of mixing repeat steps two through five. 6 If the API gravities indicate good mixing, the RVP is to be tested next. Test each sample independently for RVP. If the RVP differs by more than 0.2 psi, the tank must be resampled. After one additional hour of mixing, repeat steps two through six. NOTE: Make sure RVP quart bottles are at least 75% full when caught. If the bottle is more than 75% full, it can be dumped to the correct level after chilling in the ice bath for at least 20 minutes. 7 After passing the consistency tests in steps 6 & 7, composite the samples in equal volumes for final product analysis. Retest API gravity and RVP on the composite for the official result. 8Report all RVPs to two decimal places. EquipmentMaterials and Reagents Scope / Objective