Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Summary UCR Consists of monthly aggregate crime counts for eight Index crimes Records one offense per incident as determined by hierarchy rule Hierarchy rule suppresses counts of lesser offenses in multiple- offense incidents Does not distinguish between attempted and completed crimes Applies hotel rule to burglary Records rape of females only Collects weapon information for murder, robbery, and aggravated assault Provides counts on arrests for the 8 Index crimes and 21 other offenses.
Index Crimes Part I Personal/Property Homicide Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny/Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Part II Simple Assaults Forgery and Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Offenses Vandalism Weapons Offenses Prostitution and Commercialized Vice Sex Offenses (except rape and prostitution) Drug Abuse Violations Gambling Offenses Against the Family and Children Driving Under the Influence Liquor Laws Drunkenness Disorderly Conduct Vagrancy All Other Offenses (except traffic) Curfew and Loitering Laws (Juveniles only) Runaways (Juveniles only
UCR Links 2008 Report Crime Clock - Crime Map Crime ClockCrime Map k.html k.html Violent Crime – 23 second Property Crime – 3 second
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) – Crp. Mike Roberts Consists of individual incident records for the 8 Index crimes and 38 other offenses with details on Offense Victim Offender Property Records each offense occurring in incident Distinguishes between attempted and completed crimes Expands burglary hotel rule to include rental storage facilities Records rape of males and females Restructures definition of assault Collects weapon information for all violent offenses Provides details on arrests for the 8 Index crimes and 49 other offenses.
Group A Offenses 1. Arson 2. Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Intimidation 3. Bribery 4. Burglary/Breaking and Entering 5. Counterfeiting/Forgery 6. Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 7. Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations, Drug Equipment Violations 8. Embezzlement 9. Extortion/Blackmail 10. Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game, Credit Card/Automatic Teller Machine Fraud, Impersonation, Welfare Fraud, Wire Fraud 11. Gambling Offenses - Betting/Wagering, Operating/Promoting/Assisting Gambling, Gambling Equipment Violations, Sports Tampering 12. Homicide Offenses - Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter, Negligent Manslaughter, Justifiable Homicide 13. Kidnapping/Abduction 14. Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-picking, Purse-snatching, Shoplifting, Theft from Building, Theft from Coin-Operated Machine or Device, Theft from Motor Vehicle, Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories, All Other Larceny 15. Motor Vehicle Theft 16. Pornography/Obscene Material 17. Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution, Assisting or Promoting Prostitution 18. Robbery 19. Sex Offenses, Forcible - Forcible Rape, Forcible Sodomy, Sexual Assault With An Object, Forcible Fondling 20. Sex Offenses, Nonforcible - Incest, Statutory Rape 21. Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, etc.) 22. Weapon Law Violations
Group B Offenses 1. Bad Checks 2. Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations 3. Disorderly Conduct 4. Driving Under the Influence 5. Drunkenness 6. Family Offenses, Nonviolent 7. Liquor Law Violations 8. Peeping Tom 9. Runaway 10. Trespass of Real Property 11. All Other Offenses
NIBRS – Name that Criminal In 1982, BJS and the FBI sponsored a study of the UCR Program with the objective of revising it to meet law enforcement needs into the 21st century. A 5-year redesign effort to provide more comprehensive and detailed crime statistics resulted in the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) which collects data on each reported crime incident. The UCR Program is currently being expanded to NIBRS. Currently 23 states and 5271 Agencies – are participating. HATE Crimes
Crime and Change~What will happen tomorrow?
Sources of data discrepancies between Summary UCR and NIBRS Human error Misclassifications of Aggravated assault Motor vehicle theft Larceny Hierarchy Suppression of multiple offenses by hierarchy rule Operational Modified offense definitions Converting State penal code to FBI crime definitions Over-reporting because of State practices Recording every possible offense with which offender may be charged Computer Inadequate programming
National Crime Victimization (NCVS) Dark Figure of Crime - The violent crime rate declined by 41% and the property crime rate fell by 32% over the 10-year period. The violent crime rate in 2008—19.3 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older —was statistically unchanged from the previous year’s estimate of 20.7 per 1,000 persons. The property crime rate of 135 victimizations per 1,000 households in 2008 was lower than the rate of 147 per 1,000 households in Methodology – Survey - Questionnaire National Crime Victimization Survey, Basic Screen Questionnaire National Crime Victimization Survey, Basic Screen Questionnaire Problems & Questions from you?