IGG 05/03/ ERP6 Upgrade and Address Validation Issue Mary Mulcahy ESB Networks.
IGG 05/03/ Address Validation the issue SAP ERP6 has introducted validation to addresses Version 4.6C did not have any validation on address Not picked up during testing as valid address used Found at 11 th hour when an existing Business Partner with an invalid address errored
IGG 05/03/ Address Validation ERP6 rules address field has to hold a valid address based on the following rules: –A mail address may contain the only once –There must not be a full-stop at the beginning –There must not be a full-stop immediately before the –There must not be a full-stop immediately after the –There must not be a full-stop at the end of the address –There must not be two subsequent full-stops in the address –There must be no blank characters in the address
IGG 05/03/ Address Validation proposal Immediate solution –Request Suppliers to apply validation rules when sending an address on a market message –Where a process fails on the Central Market System due to an address which does not conform to the new validation, we will edit the address received to conform to the new validation rules and proceed Long term solution –MCR to make a change to Market design to introduce address validation to messaging with a reject reason where invalid
IGG 05/03/ Address Validation Message Segments Affected Customer Contact Details Technical Contact Details 013Customer Details Change 016Change of Legal Entity (COLE) 017Meter Point Status Change Request with COLE 010Change of Supplier Registration
IGG 05/03/ Address Validation Statistics BP’s on Central Market System3,800,000 BP’s with an address 7,300 BP’s with an invalid address 900
IGG 05/03/ Address Validation Actions ESB Networks to edit addresses which fail new ERP6 validation rules on receipt of a market message ESB Networks to cleanse existing addresses in the Central Market System which don’t comply with new validation