1 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel DDEP Evaluation Status Monographie Marie-Martine Bé, Charlène Bisch, Christophe Dulieu, Mark Kellett, Xavier Mougeot CEA/LIST, LNE-LNHB
2 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Publications Web site :
3 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel The current DDEP evaluators are : Marie-Martine Bé (LNHB, France); Coordinator, Editor Filip G. Kondev (ANL, United States); Valery P. Chechev (KRI, Russia) Christophe Dulieu, Mark Kellett, Xavier Mougeot (LNHB, France) Alan L. Nichols (Surrey University, UK)) Edgardo Browne (LBNL, United States) Tibor Kibédi (ANU, Australia) Aurelian Luca (IFIN, Romania) Andy Pearce, Arzu Arinc (NPL, UK) Huang Xiaolong (CIAE, China)
4 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel ► Are available for publication in the next Monographie-5 issue 7: 14 C, 35 S, 36 Cl, 37 Ar, 45 Ca, 67 Ga, 68 Ge, 68 Ga, 127 Sb, 127 Te, 127m Te, 134 Cs, 147 Nd, 147 Pm, 195 Au, 206 Hg, 207 Tl, 208 Tl, 209 Tl, 211 Pb, 211 At, 213 Bi, 215 Bi, 228 Th, 229 Th, 242 Cm, 243 Cm, 244 Cm, 245 Cm. Planned for December 2012/January 2013 ► Evaluations in progress: 47 Sc, 58 Co, 148 Pm, 148m Pm, 52 Fe, 52 Mn, 52m Mn, 106 Rh, 106 Ru, others ??? Completed, in progress evaluations
5 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel ► Planned Evaluations: 41 Ca, 113 Sn, 186 Re, 177 Lu, 144 Ce, 144 Pr, 144m Pr, 142 Pr, 142m Pr, 62 Co, 62m Co, 62 Cu, 95 Nb, 95 Zr, 192 Ir, … ► Other evaluations will depend on the results and acceptation of European projects and IAEA CRP Planned Evaluations Nuclides of interest to evaluate: 42 K, 82 Br, 126 Sb, 127 Xe, 115 Cd, 152 Eu, 154 Eu, 176 Lu, 181 Hf, 200 Tl, 201 Tl, etc. Others ?????
6 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Publication of paper “We encourage you to prepare specific papers on your works and to submit them for publication in a journal. We suggest : -Before to send a paper to a journal, send it to us, we will review it and we may suggest some improvements or chapter to develop ; -We are NOT interested in including our names on this paper. But we suggest the DDEP to be mentioned: “This evaluation has been produced under the auspices and scientific support of the Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP) international collaboration.””