Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom 5 th Edition Chapter 8 Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies.


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Presentation transcript:

Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom 5 th Edition Chapter 8 Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education Contact Info: (Select EME2040, bottom right) me through WebCT Urgent? Text message me: Text:

Lesson 8 Objectives  Identify security risks that threaten home and school computers  Describe how computer viruses and malicious software programs work and the steps you can take to prevent viruses  Describe different ways schools safeguard computers and networks  Explain why computer backup is important and how it is accomplished  Define what is meant by information privacy and its impact on schools  Identify the components of copyright that impact education  Describe the ethical issues related to Internet usage and steps schools are taking to address them  Identify safe and healthy uses of technology resources  Describe the emerging technologies that will transform traditional classrooms Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 2

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Computer security risk - Any event or action that has the potential of causing a loss of computer equipment, software, data and information, or processing capability  Any illegal act involving a computer generally is referred to as a computer crime  Computer Viruses  New virus programs found every day  Boot sector virus  File virus  Worm  Trojan horse  Macro virus Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 3


Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Computer Viruses  Logic bomb  Time bomb  Michelangelo virus  Virus Detection and Removal  Antivirus programs  Popular antivirus programs  Many options to using antivirus software  Rescue disk Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 5

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Unauthorized Access and Use  Crackers and hackers  Access controls  Identification  Authentication  Selecting a password  Protecting your password Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 6

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Possessed Objects and Biometric DevicesBiometric Devices  A possessed object is any item that you must carry to gain access to a computer  Badges, cards, smart cards, and keys  Personal Identification Number (PIN)  Biometric devices authenticate a person’s identity with a physical characteristic Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 7

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Firewall  A security system consisting of hardware and/or software that prevents unauthorized access to data and information on a network  Proxy server  Personal firewall Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 8

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Hardware Theft and Vandalism  Cable lock devices  Portable equipment warrants special considerations  Computer vandalism  Cutting cables  Deleting software  Smashing computer Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 9

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Software Theft  Software piracy Software piracy  Software license  Single-user license  Multiple-user  Network license  Community/State license  Information Theft  Encryption  Plain text  Encrypted text  Encryption key Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 10

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  System Failure  Undervoltage  Brownout  Blackout  Overvoltage (powersurge)  Spike  Surge protector  Surge protector with phone line protection  Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 11

Computer Security: Risks and Safeguards  Backing Up – The Ultimate Safeguard  Backup  Duplicate of a file, program, or disk that may be used if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed  Backup procedures policies in schools and school districts  Backup programs Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 12

How can you use this in your future classroom? Hands-on time! Resources-Lesson 8 Project 12 Resources-Lesson 8 Project 12 Text: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Lesson 8 continued... Key Terms Key Terms Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Ethics and the Information Age  Computer ethics  Moral guidelines that govern the use of computers, networks, and information systems Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 15

Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 16

Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 17

Ethics and the Information Age  Phishing  attempting to obtain personal and financial information  Spam  An unsolicited mess or newsgroup posting sent to many recipients or newsgroups at once  Average user receives more than 1,000 spam e- mail messages each year  Anti-spam campaigns  Anti-spam program Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 18

Ethics and the Information Age  Privacy Laws  Business or government agencies should only collect information necessary to carry out their functions  Restrict data access to those who must use it to perform job duties  Release personal information only after agreement to disclosure by individual  Must inform the individual when collecting information Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 19

Ethics and the Information Age  Employee and Student Monitoring  Use of computers to observe, record, view, and review an individual’s use of a computer  Policies of computer use  Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 20

Ethics and the Information Age  Copyright Laws  Copyright Act of 1976  Illegal copying  Fair use  Copyright information on Web pages Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 21

Ethics and the Information Age  Copyright Laws  Teacher and student Web pages  Copyright laws do protect these pages  Public domain Web sites Public domain Web sites  CDs and DVDs with images, graphics, audio, and video clips  Guidelines for creating Web pages Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 22

Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 23

How can you use this in your future classroom? Hands-on time! Resources-Lesson 8 Project 12 Resources-Lesson 8 Project 12 Text: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Lesson 8 continued... Key Terms Key Terms Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Internet Ethics and Objectionable Materials  Three categories of objectionable material  Pornographic material  Racist literature, gambling  Incorrect or inappropriate material  Inaccurate information Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 26

Internet Ethics and Objectionable Materials  Recent Government Actions  Children’s Internet Protection Act  Protects children from obscene, pornographic, and other information considered to be harmful to minors Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 27

Internet Ethics and Objectionable Materials  Parental Controls  Rating systems  Filtering software programs  Filtering software  Check Internet browser’s history Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 28

Internet Ethics and Objectionable Materials  Educational Controls 1.Filtering software 2.Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)  Use of network is a privilege, not a right  Behave as if you are a guest on the Internet  Rules concerning objectionable sites  Rules concerning copyright issues  Outline proper use of equipment  Online safety and personal information  Consequences of violating rules Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 29

Internet Ethics and Objectionable Materials  Educational Controls 3. Curriculum pages  Acts as guides for students  Sites are pre-evaluated by teachers  Eliminates typing mistakes when typing URLs Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 30

Internet Ethics and Objectionable Materials  Educational Controls 4. Teacher observation  Final measure to prevent students from accessing objectionable and inappropriate materials  Instruct students on use of Back button on the browser  Understanding of ethical concepts Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 31

How can you use this in your future classroom? Hands-on time! Resources-Lesson 8 Project 13 Resources-Lesson 8 Project 13 Text: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Lesson 8 continued... Key Terms Key Terms Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Health Issues  Computers and Health Issues  Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD)  Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)  Hand Exercises  Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)  Techniques to ease eyestrain Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 34

Health Issues  Ergonomics  An applied science devoted to incorporating comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of items in the workplace Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 35

How can you use this in your future classroom? Hands-on time! Resources-Lesson 8 Project 13 Resources-Lesson 8 Project 13 Text: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Lesson 8 continued... Key Terms Key Terms Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education

Emerging Technologies  The Web offers enormous potential for expanding the classroom Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 38

Emerging Technologies  The World Wide Web  Most K-12 schools are on the Internet  The federal government is committed to high-speed Internet access in every classroom  Speed will increase  Full-motion video on demand  Instant access to Web-based educational programs Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 39 tinyurl.com/sensmann-tech-tools

Emerging Technologies  Educational Software on DVD  Information, graphics, animations, video, and interactive links Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 40

Emerging Technologies  Assistive Technologies  Technologies that modify or adapt the classroom for special learning needs  Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Amendment of 1997 Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 41

Emerging Technologies  Federal Accessibility Initiative  Technology should be available to people with disabilities  Section 508  WebXACT WebXACT  Text equivalents for all non-text elements  Summaries of graphs and charts  All information displayed in color available without color Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 42

Emerging Technologies  Web- and Video-Enhanced Digital Textbooks Web- and Video-Enhanced Digital Textbooks  Web site is continuously updated and maintained  Web-Based Distance Learning  All instruction provided via the Web  Still evolving  Useful for specialized classes not available in all schools Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 43

Emerging Technologies  Wireless Technologies  Allows teachers and students to connect to a truly global network  Wireless computers will ensure that educational technology is used seamlessly and at the point of instruction  Small, inexpensive computers ensure that all children have access to their lessons and the World from both home and school Chapter 8: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education 44

How can you use this in your future classroom? Hands-on time! Practice Test 8 “Learn It Online” under Chapter 8: Who Wants to Be a Computer Genius Resources-Lesson 8 Project 13 Practice Test 8 Who Wants to Be a Computer Genius Resources-Lesson 8 Project 13 Text: Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education Emerging Technologies in Education