The Virginia Colony BY: Andrew and Gabrielle Founded : 1763 The Colonies Founders: The Powhatan Indians
Virginia’s First People The Virginia Colony was first settled on land by the American Indians. The Virginia Colony was first settled on land by the American Indians. They lived there for thousands of years. They lived there for thousands of years. They lived in what is now western part of Virginia. They lived in what is now western part of Virginia. The Powhatan Indians were one of the biggest and most powerful groups that lived there. The Powhatan Indians were one of the biggest and most powerful groups that lived there. Chief Powhatan ruled and owned all 30 tribes that lived there. Chief Powhatan ruled and owned all 30 tribes that lived there. The Powhatan lived on the land and got their food by hunting and gathering. The Powhatan lived on the land and got their food by hunting and gathering. In 1607, the English settlers sailed to what is now Virginia. In 1607, the English settlers sailed to what is now Virginia. The Powhatan tribe didn’t trust the English settlers at first and did not want them to take over. The Powhatan tribe didn’t trust the English settlers at first and did not want them to take over. Over time they started to trust each other but their friendship didn’t work out when the English settlers tried to take over their land. Over time they started to trust each other but their friendship didn’t work out when the English settlers tried to take over their land. The leader of the Powhatan tribe had a daughter named Pocahontas. Pocahontas helped save the Virginia settlers. The leader of the Powhatan tribe had a daughter named Pocahontas. Pocahontas helped save the Virginia settlers.
Virginia’s Early Settlers - The first European settlers were English. -T-T-T-The European settlers wanted and hoped to find gold and silver. -A-A-A-After four months at sea the settlers landed In what is now the United States and made a settlement called Jamestown. -T-T-T-The settlers in Jamestown struggled to survive. -L-L-L-Lots of the settlers didn’t know and understand how to farm foods. -I-I-I-In the first year of Jamestown, only 38 settlers did not die. -I-I-I-In 1610 all the crops that Jamestown had were destroyed. -W-W-W-With all the crops destroyed many settlers died and other settlers starved to death.
Virginia’s Early Settlers (pg. 2) Virginia’s Early Settlers (pg. 2) - By 1620 many English Settlers died from malaria, other dieses, and others died in battles with the Powhatan. - The relationship between the two different groups was very complicated. - It was complicated because sometimes they traded goods with each other and other times they killed each other over land. - The English settlers always won the wars over land. - By the mid 1640’s the English settlers had won all but really little land. - In 1646 the Virginia settlers signed a peace treaty with the Powhatan Indians. - The peace treaty set the Powhatan Indians on reservations.
Life in the Colony Life in the Virginia Colony was very rough. Most of the people that lived there, lived in a house that had only one room. By the early 1700’s the colonists that had grown wealthy had built mansions in the capital which is Williamsburg. Some of the mansions were even made out of brick.
Life in The Colony_ (pg. 2) Food Food In the beginning years, the Jamestown settlers mainly ate fish, corn, and turtles. The starvation time began in When the starvation time began settlers had to eat raccoons, oysters, and even poisonous snakes. They were lucky because they got more food supplies and seeds from new people that came to Jamestown. The people that came there, taught them how to farm. In the beginning years, the Jamestown settlers mainly ate fish, corn, and turtles. The starvation time began in When the starvation time began settlers had to eat raccoons, oysters, and even poisonous snakes. They were lucky because they got more food supplies and seeds from new people that came to Jamestown. The people that came there, taught them how to farm. Colonies Schools Colonies Schools The colony did not have many schools. Wealthy families sent their kids to very good schools. Not so wealthy kids didn’t go to school at all. So in the Virginia Colony you would want to have a wealthy family.
Work and Trade in the Virginia Colony Population Growth of the Virginia Colony In 1607, there was only 104 people in the colony of Virginia. In 1670, there was 40,000 settlers in the Virginia colony. In 1775 there was 500,000 settlers in the Virginia colony. Work and Trade By the year of 1612, a guy named John Rolfe brought some tobacco seeds to Virginia. Tobacco didn’t take along time to get super popular. After it became popular, it became the colonies biggest crop. In the year of 1619, a Dutch ship brought about twenty African Americans. The Africans got put to work with the indentured servants. The indentured servants were usually men and women who couldn’t find jobs..
Work and Trade in the Virginia Colony (pg. 2) Tobacco The tobacco growing season lasted all year. In the month of January. During that time of the year slaves, farmers, and indentured servants prepared the fields. Tobacco was shipped to England and sold very well. By the year of 1660, the colonists in Virginia had sent 10 million pounds of tobacco to England.
Colony’s Exports They exported tea. Their main export was tobacco. They got lots of money from selling tobacco and tea to England. Tons of people wanted tobacco because it was addictive. The settlers farmed the crops to be shipped to England. The settlers used indentured servants and slaves to farm the crops to England.
Community and Religion in Virginia King James the 1 st of England was the main leader of the Virginia Colony. As the ruler of England, he could not easily control the colonies daily business. By the mid 1700’s, Great Britain’s people were tired of paying taxes. Jamestown’s people wanted to choose their own representatives. In 1619, the House of Burgesses was created by King James the 1 st. In 1619, the House of Burgesses was created by King James the 1 st.
Community and Religion (pg. 2) Members of the House of Burgesses went to Virginia’s governor and his Council to make laws for the colony of Virginia. Members of the House of Burgesses went to Virginia’s governor and his Council to make laws for the colony of Virginia. The members created taxes. The members created taxes. By the mid 1700’s, lots of colonist were tired of paying Great Britain taxes. By the mid 1700’s, lots of colonist were tired of paying Great Britain taxes. People were also furious the of Navigation Acts. People were also furious the of Navigation Acts. By the mid 1750’s, many colonists no longer supported the Church of England because they wanted to follow their own religion. By the mid 1750’s, many colonists no longer supported the Church of England because they wanted to follow their own religion. Baptist’s and Methodist’s Preachers began to travel through Virginia. Baptist’s and Methodist’s Preachers began to travel through Virginia. Some settlers found they wanted the teachings of these religions. Some settlers found they wanted the teachings of these religions. The main religions were Baptists and Methodists. The main religions were Baptists and Methodists.
Becoming a State Colonists moved north of the Application Mountains and along the rivers. Borders were set. The British won the Revolutionary War, but at a great cost. Colonists in all 13 colonies were angry with the Stamp Act. They did not want to owe any more money to the government. Some of the Virginia settlers started to speak out. In the year of 1774, the colonies sent representatives to the Continental Congress. In 1776, Congress announced the United States Independence with the Declaration of Independence. Then on June 25, 1778 Virginia approved as the 10th state in the U.S.A. The colonists were not just people looking for land. Virginia was the first of the 13 colonies to be born.
Statehood By the mid 1700’s, Virginia’s population had grown to nearly 230,000. The Virginia Colony was the tenth state to become part of the 13 colonies. The Virginia Colony was approved June 25 th, The Congress announced the United States Independence with the Declaration of Independence.
Fun Facts About The Virginia Colony Did you know that that the Virginia Colony was part of the Southern Colony. Did you know that that the Virginia Colony was part of the Southern Colony. Did you know that the population of this colony is nearly 230,000. Did you know that the population of this colony is nearly 230,000. Did you know that the Virginia colony was named after King James the Second. Did you know that the Virginia colony was named after King James the Second. Did you know that the first settlement was Jamestown. Did you know that the first settlement was Jamestown. Did you know that the Virginia was one of the first colonies founded. Did you know that the Virginia was one of the first colonies founded. Did you know that seven of the U.S. presidents were buried in Virginia. Did you know that seven of the U.S. presidents were buried in Virginia.