UNFCCC COP 10 Buenos Aires, Argentina – 10 December 2004 International Gas Union 2004 PETER K. STORM Secretary General - IGU
THE IGU ORGANISATION IGU Membership consists of national Gas Associations and Companies IGU is a Non-Profit Organisation IGU is a Non-Political Organisation IGU is a Non-Governmental Organisation
VISION OF IGU Recognising that natural gas has an important part to play in satisfying the global need for an environment- friendly energy source, IGU will be the most influential, effective, and independent non- profit organisation, while serving as the spokesman for the gas industry worldwide
IGU Membership “Charter- and Associate Membership" Apart from Charter Members from 67 Countries IGU now has 18 Associate Members Among these are: BP, ChevronTexaco,ConocoPhilips, E.ON Ruhrgas, Gaz de France, Petrobras, RWE Gas, Shell, TOTAL and Tractebel
INTERNATIONAL GAS UNION represents 95 % of all gas sales Members Non Members
INTERNATIONAL GAS UNION Biannual IGU Magazine: News from IGU and affiliated Gas organisations Progress report from all IGU Committees listing the current Studies underway Independant Third Party Articles about the prospects of Gas
Sustainable Development IGU has issued revised and up-to-date Recommendations to the world-Wide Gas Industry: "Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development"
INTERNATIONAL GAS UNION Session Chairman today: Bert Panman, Chairman of the IGU Coordination Committee.