Introduction to Geography Arthur Getis, Judith Getis, & Jerome D. Fellmann
Introduction Chapter 1
Overview The Nature of Geography Evolution of the Discipline Location, Direction, & Distance Physical & Cultural Attributes Places Regions Geography Themes & Standards Geography Careers
The Nature of Geography Geography as the spatial science The study of spatial variation How & why things differ from place to place on the surface of the earth
Evolution of the Discipline Ancient Greeks & Romans Eratosthenes Strabo Herodotus Ptolemy Middle Ages Muslim & Chinese scholars Modern Geography
Subfields of Geography Spatial Variation of Physical & Human Phenomena Spatial Systems Regional Analysis
Spatial Essential modifier “Spatial behavior” “Spatial process” Meaning The way things are distributed The way movements occur The way processes operate over the whole or part of the earth’s surface
Location Absolute Location Mathematical location Latitude & longitude Other grid systems Relative Location Spatial interconnection & interdependence
Site & Situation Site The physical & cultural characteristics & attributes of the place itself Situation The external relations of a locale
Direction Absolute Direction Cardinal points (N,S,E,&W) Relative Direction “Out West” “Back East”
Distance Absolute Distance Standard units such as miles or kilometers Relative Distance Time “20 minutes from here”
Physical & Cultural Attributes Physical Attributes Climate, soil, water supply, mineral resources, terrain features “natural landscape” Cultural Attributes Language, religion, agricultural patterns, food, music “cultural landscape”
Places Attributes of places are always changing Interrelations between places Accessibility Connectivity Spatial diffusion Globalization
Regions Areas of spatial similarity Formal Regions Uniformity in one or a limited number of related physical or cultural features “Columbia Plateau” or “The Corn Belt” Functional Regions A spatial system Trade areas or transportation networks
Geography Themes & Standards Five Fundamental Themes National Standards Four Traditions
Five Fundamental Themes Location Place Relationships within places Movement Regions
National Standards The World in Spatial Terms Places & Regions Physical Systems Human Systems Environment & Society The Uses of Geography
Four Traditions Earth-Science Tradition Culture-Environment Tradition Locational (or Spatial) Tradition Area Analysis (or Regional) Tradition
Careers in Geography Can you get a job with a geography degree? Yes. Where? Government, nongovernmental organizations, public sector such as planning, business planning & analysis GIS