Global Context Chapter Three
Earth Basics Surface Area = 510 million square km 197 million square miles Freshwater covers about 1% of earth’s surface 70% Water 30% Land Freshwater = 3% of total water supply of which 1% is available
Bulk of land is located in the Northern Hemisphere = > 65% Earth Basics Bulk of land is located in the Northern Hemisphere = > 65%
Global Coordinate System Latitude Longitude
Global Coordinate System Longitude (Meridians)- Run north and south and measure east and west of the Prime Meridian (0o) Closely associated with time and time zones.
Global Coordinate System Latitude (Parallels)- Run east and west and measure north and south of the equator (0o) Closely associated with insolation and amount of daylight and darkness.
Seven Parallels
23.5o N
23.5o S
66.5o N
66.5o S
North Pole 90o N
South Pole 90o S
Seven Parallels Arctic Circle 66.5o N Tropic of Cancer 23.5o N Equator 0o degrees Tropic of Capricorn 23.5o S Antarctic Circle 66.5o S
North Pole & South Pole
Zones of Latitude Arctic 66.5 o – 90o S Sub Arctic 55o - 66.5o N Middle Latitudes 35o - 55o N Sub Tropics 23.5o - 35o N Tropics 7o - 23.5o N Equatorial Zone 0o - 7o N & S of Equator Tropics 7o - 23.5o S Sub Tropics 23.5o - 35o S Middle Latitudes 35o - 55o S Sub Arctic 55o - 66.5o S Antarctic 66.5 o – 90o S
Revolution of Earth March 20– Spring Equinox June 21 – Summer Solstice Dec 21 – Winter Solstice Sept 22 – Fall Equinox
Characteristics of Zones of Latitude Arctic 66.5 o – 90o S Sub Arctic 55o - 66.5o N Middle Latitudes 35o - 55o N Sub Tropics 23.5o - 35o N Tropics 7o - 23.5o N Equatorial Zone 0o - 7o N & S of Equator Tropics 7o - 23.5o S Sub Tropics 23.5o - 35o S Middle Latitudes 35o - 55o S Sub Arctic 55o - 66.5o S Antarctic 66.5 o – 90o S