Air Pollution All info of air pollution
About Air Pollution Air pollution has many types It causes many disaster but sometimes it cause a disaster that can affect human slowly Air Pollution causes by gases from factory
Cause And Effect of Air Pollution Air Pollution can effect acid rain, global warming, babies cripple or badly die in bad conditions, and make living creature die because of cancer Air Pollution cause by the factory pollution waste that come out using exhaust steam pipe Human can’t live in bad air conditions because if we breath Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide, we will die
Cause and effect2 It causes the greenhouse gases that keep warming earth Because the earth is getting warmer, it causes global warming Global warming make the earth warmer
Global Warming Global warming has 2 types that cause it First way is about the greenhouse gases that make the ice melting When the ice melt, it can make a big flood in some island There’s also about the tree If there is more deforestation, the Oxygen will be decreasing and the Carbon Dioxide is increasing That make people hard to breath because the oxygen is decreasing
Air Pollution in China Air pollution in China has come in the crisis level Especially Beijing Beijing has the worst air pollution in China Beijing had ever have the worst pollution that make the sky gray for 1 or 2 day(s) Also Beijing has extreme climate conditions that can change any time
Efford to decrease air pollution Use bicycle more than using a car, because bicycle could be better than car Use hybird car such as Toyota Prius, Ferrari F430 Syder, and other hybird car Don’t waste electricity and other power source Use alternative power source like solar photovoltaic cells, wind turbine, water turbine and other alternative power source abcdfghi Go To Video