Student Research Forum SOFSEM 2009 Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Student Research Forum Statistics 32 student papers submitted 8 papers accepted in LNCS volume 10 papers accepted for SRF volume Student Research Forum2 SOFSEM 2009
Student Research Forum3 SOFSEM 2009 Session organization 1. „short announcement“ part 2. poster presentation combined with coffee break best student paper competition Johannes C. Schneider: Unambiguous Erasing Morphisms in Free Monoids Min Wan and Gianfranco Ciardo: Symbolic Reachability Analysis of Integer Timed Petri Nets best student poster competition
Student Research Forum4 SOFSEM 2009 Student Papers A New Normal Form for Context-Sensitive Grammars Peter Varga (supervisor: Benedek Nagy / Attila Pethö ) University of Debrecen, Hungary Quantum and Probabilistic Finite Multitape Automata Ginta Garkāje (supervisor: Rūsiņš Freivalds ) University of Latvia Application of Graph Separators to the Efficient Division-Free Computation of Determinant Anna Urbanska (supervisor: Wojciech Rytter ) Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University
Student Research Forum5 SOFSEM 2009 Student Papers (cont.) Languages Recognizable by Quantum Finite Automata with cut-point 0 Lelde Lace and Oksana Scegulnaja-Dubrovska (supervisor: Rūsiņš Freivalds ) University of Latvia A smooth Probabilistic Extension of Concurrent Constraint Programming Romain Beauxis (supervisor: Catuscia Palamidessi ) LIX COMETE - INRIA Saclay An Efficient Communication Protocol for Distributed Traffic Simulation: Introduction of the Long Step Method Tomas Potuzak (supervisor: Pavel Herout ) University of West Bohemia
Student Research Forum6 SOFSEM 2009 Student Papers (cont.) XML Query Evaluation Using a –calculus Based Framework Pavel Loupal (supervisor: Karel Richta ) Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University Extracting Semantic Relationships Between Wikipedia Articles Lowell Shayn Hawthorne and Suzette Stoutenburg (supervisors: Jugal Kalita ) University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (USA) Acquiring Complex Cross-Ontological Relationships Suzette Stoutenburg and Justin Gray (supervisor: Jugal Kalita ) University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (USA)
Posters Model Complexity in Learning from High- Dimensional Data Vera Kurkova Efficient Pattern Matching on Binary Strings Simone Faro and Thierry Lecroq A Faster Algorithm for the Single Source Shortest Path Problem in the Presence of Few Sources or Destinations of Negative Simone Faro and Domenico Cantone 7 SOFSEM 2009
Student Research Forum8 SOFSEM 2009 Do not forget to vote for the Best Student Poster One of the Best …