T. Trimpe
Don’t Forget... Contestants
Although they give answers in the form of questions on the TV show, you do not need to do this. You do need to write your answers on your game board!
Crime Scene Fingerprint Basics Human Remains JFK & OJ Types of Evidence
What is the first 2 things a first arriving officer does at a crime scene? Crime Scene for $100
Check on any victims and that its safe that perpetrator can be caught or has fled Back to Game
Investigators work with sketch artists and eyewitnesses to create these sketches of a person’s face using more than one description. This is called Crime Scene for $200
Back to Game Facial Composite
Crime Scene for $300 After checking for safety what should a first arriving officer do at a crime scene
Back to Game Secure the area
Crime Scene for $400 Physical evidence found at a crime scene in small, but measurable amounts.
Good Answer! Back to Game Trace Evidence
Crime Scene for $500 An alternate location where additional evidence of a crime may be found, such as where a gun was thrown away.
Back to Game Secondary Crime Scene
Fingerprint Basics for $100 The three main types of fingerprints are...
Back to Game Loops, whorls, and arches
Fingerprint Basics for $200 How would this fingerprint be classified?
Back to Game Loop
Fingerprint Basics for $300 How would this fingerprint be classified?
Back to Game Plain Arch
Fingerprint Basics for $400 How would this fingerprint be classified?
Back to Game Central Pocket Whorl
Fingerprint Basics for $500 What is the most common type of fingerprint?
Back to Game Loops
Types of Evidence for $100 Eyewitness accounts are also known as
Back to Game Testimonials, Direct, or Prima Facie evidence
Types of Evidence for $200 The odor of cologne left by a perpetrator at a crime scene would be considered
Back to Game Transient Evidence
Evidence for $300 Evidence that does not identify some specifically is known as
Back to Game Class Evidence
Types of Evidence for $400 Types of evidence that link a victim with a suspect are known as
Back to Game Associative Evidence
Types of Evidence for $500 Blood spatter identified to be consistent with a beating would be a form of
Back to Game Pattern Evidence
Human Remains for $100 The first change after death referred to as one of the Mortis is
Back to Game Rigor Mortis
Human Remains for $200 The pooling and congealing of blood after death is known as
Back to Game Livor Mortis
Human Remains I for $300 Rigor, Livor, and Algor Mortis can be useful in determining
Back to Game Time of Death and possibly other things such as movement of the body
Human Remains for $400 A wider subpubic angle in the pelvis usually indicates
Back to Game A female skeleton
Male Female Sub Pubic Angle
Human Remains for $500 Body height can be estimated from
Back to Game Measurements of long bones such as the femur, humerus, tibia, or radius
Estimation of Height The height of a person can be calculated by using the length of certain long bones, including the femur, tibia, humerus, and radius. Below are the equations to determine average measurements for both male and female. (All measurements are in centimeters) MaleFemale femur x femur x tibia x tibia x humerus x humerus x radius x radius x
OJ & JFK for $100 JFK was shot in what American City?
Back to Game Dallas, TX
OJ & JFK for $200 What was OJ’s Reported vehicle that he used in the killings
Back to Game A White Ford Bronco.
OJ & JFK for $300 What type of Rifle was used to shoot JFK according to the Warren Commission
Back to Game A Single Action 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano Rifle
OJ & JFK for $400 What is the name of the detective that used racial slurs lied about it and was accused of planting a bloody glove at the secondary crime scene.
OJ & JFK $500 What are the names of the shooter and the victim in this photo
The Victim is Lee Harvey Oswald suspect in the JFK assassination Jack Ruby is the shooter
How much do you want to risk?
What is the name of this man?
Johnny Cochran OJ’s defense attorney
JFK Assassination How much do you want to Risk?
Governor John Connolly of Texas
Who else besides JFK was hit by the so called Magic Bullet?
Which team won?