Developing Hands-On Activities for CO by David Agnew Arkansas State University - Jonesboro
Objectives Develop a Hands-on Activity related to one of the 16 career clusters. Develop a Hands-on Activity related to a Non-Cluster topic.
Objective 1: Hands-on Activity related to a cluster The 16 clusters are: Agriculture & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, Audio, Video. Technology & Communications Business & Administration Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law & Public Safety Manufacturing Retail wholesale Sales & Service Scientific Research & Engineering Transportation. Distribution, & Logistics
Where to start: Remember the objective of the Hands-on Activity Remember the objective of a cluster related hands-on activity is, –To help introduce a young person, with limited prior knowledge of a subject area (cluster of jobs), to jobs or a career in a given cluster. –Provide students an opportunity to gain an awareness of what it is like to work in a job in that career cluster. –Explore the nature of working in a career cluster. –To be reasonably simple and provide opportunity for success, yet representative of the cluster.
Where to start: You have drawn a cluster and you may or may not be familiar with this subject area. So what do you do? –Become familiar with the cluster by reviewing the description of the career pathways and careers or jobs in that cluster. –Look at hands-on activities others have developed –Consider you own experiences –Consider who you might know who works in the career cluster and maybe ask for their opinion. –Brainstorm some possibilities. (list without critique, 4- 8 possible activities)
From the list of 4-8 possibilities Consider the safety issue of each Relevance of each to the career cluster Consider how representative of the cluster the activities might be Consider the logistics Consider all the points discussed in the evaluation of an activity
Remember the format TITLE OF ACTIVITY: DESCRIPTION OF OBJECTIVE(S): Upon completion of this activity each student will be able to: TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE: (Ex. 50 minutes) POINTS POSSIBLE: (How much is it worth? 50 pts) TOOLS, MATERIALS SUPPLIES REQUIRED: (what will they need to do this) STEPS AND PROCEDURES: (This is the l o n g e s t part – It is s list of steps the students will follow to complete the activity) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: (What questions could you ask to draw closure to the activity and reinforce the key objective of this activity) EVALUATION CRITERIA: POINTS POSSIBLE POINTS EARNED ____________________________________________________________________________ (how will your grade this? What will you look for in the completed produce?) ____________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL
Start drafting the Activity….