1 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Global standards used locally worldwide Global standards used locally worldwide ISO Technical Committee 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Neil Reeve up
2 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 ISO/TC 67 Title Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Scope Standardization of the materials, equipment and offshore structures used in the drilling, production, transport by pipelines and processing of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons within the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Excluded: aspects of offshore structures subject to IMO requirements (ISO/TC 8).
3 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Kazan - Sept 2009 ISO/TC 67 Vision Global Standards Used Locally Worldwide
4 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Goals ISO/TC 67 Prepare standards required by this industry Prepare standards that are adopted worldwide by bodies such as ABNT (Brazil), API (USA), CEN (Europe), GOST R (Russian Federation), GSO (Gulf Region) and SAC (China) Prepare standards that are recognized by regulators Publish standards that enable companies to minimize their specifications Deliver standards to the target dates on the agreed work programme
WG8 Materials, welding, etc. ISO/TC 67 organisation and secretariat (flag) Re-established in 1989 with ANSI/API holding secretariat (till 2009) Member countries: 28 participating, 32 observing Involves more than 3000 engineers around the globe Last annual plenary meeting, Doha, Qatar – 26, 27 October 2010 Next annual meeting, Moscow, September 2011 MC meets three times per year Published standards: 150 Current work programme: > 71 standards (new + revisions)
6 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Benefits from standards Cost Reduction - Increase Business Efficiency Simplify design and procurement; Variety Control Interchangeability of equipment Promote stable and global market Enhance Technical Integrity Safety, Health and protection of the Environment Maximise availability, minimise lost revenue Establish a Common Technology Base Technology transfer / Sharing best practice / Remove barriers to trade (WTO) Support Legislation where linked Safety and Environmental Regulations (e.g. Process Safety Management, US) Procurement Legislation (e.g. European Directives) Essential Requirements (e.g. ‘New Approach’ European Directives)
7 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Facts and figures – ISO/TC published standards 70 standards on the work programme (new and rev’s) Standards are adopted as national standards worldwide Europe (CEN) has adopted 135 standards as European EN ISO standards. 60 member countries involved More than 3000 experts actively involved
8 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Membership continues to grow
9 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 ISOTC67 has published 150 standards. API has adopted 76 of these as joint API / ISO standards. CEN has adopted 135 of these as joint European EN ISO standards. China, Gulf Region, Russia, Kazakhstan etc. have also adopted many of these ISO standards Companies use these as the basis for their company standards
10 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Standards published by ISO/TC67 in ISO Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Materials selection and corrosion control for oil and gas production systems ISO 28460Petroleum and natural gas industries – Installation and equipment for liquified natural gas – Ship to shore interface ISO Petroleum and natural gas industries -- External coatings for buried and submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems – Part 5: External concrete coatings ISO TS 12747Petroleum and natural gas industries --Pipeline transportation systems – Pipeline life extension ISO 13500:2008/Amd 1Petroleum and natural gas industries – Drilling fluid materials – Specifications and tests ISO :2009/Cor 1Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Offshore production installations -- Requirements and guidelines for emergency response -- Amendment 1 ISO /Amd 1Petroleum and natural gas industries – Drilling and production equipment – Part 1: Side-pocket mandrels ISO Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Drilling and production equipment – Part 4: Practices for side pocket mandrels and related equipment ISO 28781Petroleum and natural gas industries –Downhole equipment - Subsurface tubing mounted formation barrier valves and related equipment ISO :2005/Amd 1Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 1: General requirements and recommendations ISO Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 4: Subsea wellhead and tree equipment ISO 13680Petroleum and natural gas industries – Corrosion resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing, tubing and coupling stock ISO 13678Petroleum and natural gas industries – Evaluation and testing of thread compounds for use with casing, tubing, linepipe and drill stem elements 10 Wide range of globally relevant subjects
11 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Standards published by ISO/TC67 in ISO TS 27469Petroleum and natural gas industries – Method of test for offshore fire dampers ISO Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 3: Topsides structure ISO 19906Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Arctic offshore structures ISO TS 29001Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Sector-specific quality management systems – Requirements for product and service supply organizations 11
12 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 June 2010, Washington12 ISO/TC67 Target publication in ISO – P&ngi – Aluminium alloy drill pipe ISO – P&ngi - Recommended practice for design and operating limits of drill stem of aluminium drill string ISO – Pp&ngi – Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas ISO – P&ngi – Cathodic protection of pipeline transportation systems – Part 2: Offshore pipelines ISO – P&ngi – External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems – Part 1: Polyolefin coatings (3- layer PE and 3- layer PP) ISO – P&ngi – External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems – Part 2: Single-layered fusion-bonded epoxy coatings ISO TS – P&ngi – Pipeline transportation systems – Pipeline life extension ISO – P&ngi – Pipeline transportation systems – Actuation, mechanical integrity and sizing for pipeline valves ISO – P&ngi – Field testing of drilling fluids – Part 2: Oil-based fluids ISO – P&ngi – Drilling fluids – Processing systems evaluation ISO – P&ngi – Cements and materials for well cementing – Part 2: Testing of well cements ISO – P&ngi – Completion fluids and materials – Measurement of viscous properties of completion fluids Note: P&ngi – Petroleum and natural gas industries.... and more coming
13 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 June 2010, Washington13 ISO/TC67 Target publication in ISO – P&ngi – Drilling and production equipment – Inspection, maintenance, repair and remanufacture of hoisting equipment ISO – P&ngi – Drilling and production equipment – Hoisting equipment ISO – P&ngi – Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 15: Subsea structures and manifolds ISO – P&ngi – Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 16: Specification for flexible pipe ancilliary equipment SO – P&ngi – Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 17: Guidelines for flexible pipe ancillary equipment ISO – P&ngi – Steel pipes for use as casing and tubing for wells ISO – P&ngi – Procedures for testing casing and tubing connections ISO – P&ngi – Steam turbines - Special-purpose specifications ISO – Pp&ngi – Air-cooled heat exchangers ISO – Pp&ngi – Spiral-type plate heat exchangers ISO – Pp&ngi – Hairpin-type plate heat exchangers ISO – P&ngi – Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units – Part 1:Jack-ups ISO – Pumps – Shaft sealing systems for centrifugal and rotary pumps
14 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Response to Macondo and Montara (1) ISO/TC 67 is reacting to the Macondo (US) and Montara (Australia) accidents: Prepared action plan including immediate and longer term needs ISO/TC67 document N Working closely with all actors involved including American Petroleum Institute (API), International Regulators Forum (IRF), CEN, North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum (NSOAF), Oil and Gas Producers Association (OGP),…. The learnings from an accident in one country must be transferred globally. International standards developed by ISO/TC 67 are one way of achieving this. Stakeholders are requested to support and participate actively.
15 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Response to Macondo and Montara (2) Summary standard response needed for: - Well integrity - Well control / equipment - Cementing - Development and implementation of HSE management systems - Competence of personnel
16 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 …………….. API and CEN
17 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Global Regulators’ use 59 standards from ISO TC 67 OGP report 426
18 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Personal recommendations 1. When trading internationally, use the International Standards (ISOs, IECs, ITUs) 2. Companies should maintain a corporate standards system 3. Companies should keep project specifications simple, based on corporate standards 4. Companies should actively participate in development of international standards that are key to them 5. Use ISO/IEC guide 21 for the procedure for national adoption of ISO/IEC standards 6. Adopt as many as possible ISO/IEC standards with as few changes as possible
19 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Summary ISO/TC 67 has a solid portfolio of 150 standards for the oil and gas industry adopted and used all over the world. They are developed by experts from oil and gas companies, regulators, manufacturers and certification bodies. The standards are used by companies and accepted by regulators around the world. “Cooperation, not competition” in standards.
20 ISO/TC67 presentation to ISO/TC67/SC4 Stavanger 23,24 May 2011 Questions Thank you ISO/TC 67