16/06/2014Footer Creation and follow-up of Requests for invoice and Workorders (WO’s) in REFIN V3 15/10/2015.


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Presentation transcript:

16/06/2014Footer Creation and follow-up of Requests for invoice and Workorders (WO’s) in REFIN V3 15/10/2015

16/06/2014Footer Content 1.Login suppliers 2.Flows & process in REFIN 3.Creation of Requests and Workorders (WO’s) in REFIN 4.Follow-up Requests and WO’s 5.Requests and WO’s rejected

1. Login suppliers Via Elia Portal : Username : Password is case sensitive ! With upper and lower cases + numbers. Same password as for SUS-tool (for suppliers who already submit pro forma invoices via this process). This login is unique per supplier, but several persons can share this login and manage their own purchase orders in the tool REFIN ! 28/02/2012Footer3

1. Login suppliers Via the Elia website, page “Suppliers” : suppliers User manuals are also available. 28/02/2012Footer4

1. Login suppliers Internet options -Internet Explorer > 6.0 (Compatibility view) -Deactivate pop-up blocker -Add the site “elia.be” in our “authorized websites” via ‘Compatibility View settings’ 28/02/2012Footer5

16/06/2014Footer 2. Flows & process in REFIN

2. REFIN tool : for which PO’s ? 16/06/2014Footer7 REFIN tool is exclusively used for the Requests for invoice and supplements (Workorders) related to purchase orders for Elia’s ‘Projects’. For these PO’s the number on the PDF is as follows : C1 / T / 48xxxxxx Other PO’s not related to Elia’s Projects are managed in another tool (SUS), for some suppliers who already work with this tool. are not managed in a web tool. Requests for invoice are therefore sent on the ‘traditional’ way, by to the Elia-responsible of the PO.

2. Flow in REFIN for the Requests for invoice 16/06/2014Footer8 OPA : Operational Project Assistant.

2. Flow in REFIN for the workorders (WO’s) 16/06/2014Footer9

2. Process in REFIN 16/06/2014Footer10 As soon as a purchase order is approved, the supplier receives an with the PDF of this PO (or change order) and its attachments. The contact person for REFIN for this supplier also receives an , after customizing step, when the PO is ready for submitting Requests for invoice or Workorders (WO’s) in the tool REFIN. This person can be different from the one who received the PO by . The PO is then automatically ready in the tool REFIN. After carrying out works, you may -submit “Requests for invoice” on the base of the invoice modalities specified in the PO or in the Framework agreement. -submit “WO’s” on the basis of a project leader’s requirement for extra works not yet covered by the PO.

2. Process in REFIN 16/06/2014Footer11 After submitting a Request for invoice or a Workorder (WO) you will receive an after approval or reject of these requests : related to the approval of a Request for invoice is the signal allowing you to invoice. related to the approval of a WO means that this WO is accepted and will be regularized later in an official change order to the PO for these required and accepted extra works. As soon as the change order is made, you may submit a Request for invoice and afterwards send you invoice (after approval of this Request). related to the reject of a Request / WO means that you have to adapt or delete this Request / WO. You can treat this Request / WO from the rejection mail or at any moment from the list “Overview Request for Invoice” (see point 5 hereafter).

2. Process in REFIN 16/06/2014Footer12 Important remarks : 1.The approval date of a ‘Request for invoice’ may in no way whatsoever be taken into consideration for the payment time-limit of the final invoice. REFIN is a tool that makes the approval of the ‘Requests for invoice’ easier and grants a faster payment of the invoices, but payment of invoices is always linked to the invoicing date itself (according to art of our General Purchasing Conditions). 2.A Request or a WO is not to be staying in your ‘Overview’ list with the status « Rejected ». This status is only temporary and must be replaced within a reasonable period by another status, -either by modifying the rejected Request / WO and sending it back for approval to the project leader. -or by deleting the rejected Request / WO if it’s not justified (incorrect PO, works not allowed…).

2. Process in REFIN 16/06/2014Footer13 3.Contractual price revisions and storage costs don’t have to be submitted as WO’s in REFIN. These costs are sent per separate to the Elia’s Project leader and will be regularized as a change order on the PO.

16/06/2014Footer 3. Creation of Requests and Workorders (WO’s) in REFIN

3. Creation of Requests and WO’s 28/02/2012Footer15 Click on the 1 st menu “Create confirmation”. Log off Changing the language

3. Selection of the purchase order 28/02/2012Footer16 Fill one or several criteria for searching a PO. Without criteria you’ll receive all the PO’s for REFIN (R) and SUS (S). REFIN-process doesn't take into account the item level of a PO. As a result you may choose any PO-item. SUS-process take well into account the item level of a PO ! The pro forma invoice will be linked with this PO-item.

3. Selection of the purchase order 28/02/2012Footer17 The list gives you only purchase orders still open, in other words PO’s which you can still register a Request for invoice on. Tip : If you enter a PO-number, you’re better not to enter other selection criteria that couldn't be compatible with this PO- number. In this case you should also erase the timeframe, default set on the last 12 months.

3. Selection of the purchase order 28/02/2012Footer18 If you don’t find the PO, there are 3 possible reasons : 1.The PO wasn’t customized for the REFIN-process.  Take then contact with the OPA or Purchasing Support. 2.The PO is modified (change order for regularization of requested and approved supplements) and it is still in approval to Elia.  Wait until de change order is approved. 3.The PO is closed.  If you have to register a WO on a closed PO, use then the menu ‘Overview Request for invoice’.

3. Selection of the purchase order 28/02/2012Footer19 Select the appropriate PO and click on “Create Confirmation”

3. Detail screen in REFIN 28/02/2012Footer20 2 tabs : the 1 st one for the Requests for Invoice and the 2 d for the Workorders (WO). Click first on “Edit” in order to create a Request or a WO. Total = total submitted (excl. status Deleted and Rejected). Open amount = Net value PO – total approved. Goods receipt = Requests approved and posted. Invoice receipt = Invoices posted.

3.1. Creation of a Request for invoice 28/02/2012Footer21 Click on “Add” in the tab “Request for Invoice” to create a Request. Fill your own reference for the Elia PO. Default contact person for the Elia PO. If necessary replace it by your personal details.

3.1. Attachments 28/02/2012Footer22 Add all the needed attachments and proofs. Fill the value and description.

3.1. Save a Request for invoice 28/02/2012Footer23 Click on “Save”. If you submit a Request exceeding the open amount of the PO, you‘ll receive following error :

3.2. Creation of a Workorder (WO) 28/02/2012Footer24 Remark: a WO can be created separately or at the same time with a Request. Click on “Add” in the tab “Workorders” to create a WO.

3.2. Creation of a Workorder (WO) 28/02/2012Footer25 Attachments to a WO are added on the same way as for a Request by the arrow on the left side. Fill the value and description.

3.2. Creation of an estimated Workorder (WO) 28/02/2012Footer26 For an estimated WO, tick also the box “Estimate”.

3.2. Creation of a WO to regularize an estimated WO 28/02/2012Footer27 As soon as the works are carried out and the final value is known (e.g eur), you create a new WO to regularize the estimated WO (e.g. No for eur) for the price difference (623 eur) and you make reference to the estimated WO.

3.2. Save a Workorder (WO) 28/02/2012Footer28 Click on “Save”.

16/06/2014Footer 4. Follow-up of Requests and Workorders (WO’s)

4. Follow-up of Requests and WO’s 28/02/2012Footer30 Click on the menu “Overview Request for Invoice”.

4. Follow-up of Requests and WO’s 28/02/2012Footer31 Fill one or several criteria for searching PO’s, Requests or workorders. Without criteria you’ll receive all the PO’s for REFIN. Choose one of several status (Ctrl-key) to limit the list of Requests (R) and/or WO’s (W). (List with statuses : next slide) Without status you’ll receive all the Requests and/or WO’s, regardless of the status, that comply with the criteria. Click on “Apply”. Click on “Clear” to erase the criteria’s.

4. Follow-up of Requests and WO’s 28/02/2012Footer32 Approval startedRequest or WO in approval but not yet approved by the 1 st Elia’s approver (project leader) Approval in progressRequest or WT not fully approved by Elia Approval PAXWO in last approval step by Elia ApprovedRequest or WO fully approved RejectedRequest or WO rejected (and therefore to correct of delete) TreatedWO approved and regularized as a supplement to the PO (change order) DeletedRequest or WO deleted NB : Statuses ‘Approval PAX’ and ‘Treated ’ are specific to WO’s and don’t exist for Requests for invoice.

4. Follow-up of Requests and WO’s 28/02/2012Footer33 Export to Excel

4. Creation of a display variant 28/02/2012Footer34 Adapt the lay-out of the list

4. Creation of a display variant 28/02/2012Footer35 1. Adapt the order of the columns 2. Give a name to your variant and tick box ‘Initial view’ to replace the “Standard View”. 3. Click on “OK”.

4. Creation of a display variant 28/02/2012Footer36 Lay-out of the list is adapted in accordance with your own variant.

16/06/2014Footer 5. Requests and Workorders (WO’s) rejected

5. Requests and WO’s rejected 28/02/2012Footer38 After reject, the Request or WO is sent back to the supplier in order to be corrected or deleted. A Request or a WO is not to be remaining with status « Rejected ». Reason is that if you modify it by mistake, it will be sent back again for approval to the project leader !

5. Requests and WO’s rejected 28/02/2012Footer39 Choose if necessary the document category (R or W) with status “Rejected” and click on “Apply”. Click then on the Request/WO-number in the list.

5. Requests and WO’s rejected 28/02/2012Footer40 Click on “Edit” to adapt (or delete) a Request or a WO.

5. Requests and WO’s rejected 28/02/2012Footer41 Adapt the Request/WO (value + add possibly the missing attachments) and save, or delete the useless Request/WO. After adapting and saving, the Request/WO is once again sent for approval to the Project Leader. Rejection comment of the Project Leader or the OPA.

Need help ? Purchasing Support -Nathalie Sarlet Lorenz Sunt Kevin Rymenants /02/2012Footer42