₮Walthru: …. EmployeeConnect, employee can request to be paid for certain things. ₮2 nd topic: G/L transaction and dates question ₮Opportunities don’t happen, you create them
₮P/O Requisition can be done at the school and use ACP.410 to collect and automatically create Invoices ₮Based on EMP category.. New thought … if Emp should we autofill reference with Emp Reimburse to help in knowing/separating? ₮What about things that the school is not in control of? ₮Mileage ₮What other common situations where it is just between the employee and Board Office?
₮Employee signs into EmployeeConnect ₮New to allow them to add/edit reimbursement request and browse/attach backup ₮Board Office reviews entries and approves. Once approved new Core option to create Invoices based on approved entries and moves image to invoice. ₮Once processed = no need to show them history as they would look to their finance tab for payment details ₮ Payment backup ONLY available for current year plus a bit
₮Define Types (Board Office) ₮Type ₮Description ₮Date Range A,B ₮Restrict To Types ₮Account ₮Allow Quantity Y/N ₮Default Amount ₮Expense Description (500+) ₮Instructions Doc name,title ₮Form document name,title MILEAGE Mileage Claim 09/01/14 – 06/30/15 AT IT LT ???.000 YES.567 cents Indicate total miles, include form.. Claim Process claimproc.pdf Worksheet calcmileage.pdf
₮Employee Request ₮Employee ID ₮Type ₮Date ₮Location ₮Description ₮Quantity ₮Amount ₮GST amount ₮PST amount ₮Total (Display) ₮Account (Display) ₮Status (Emp,Appr) ₮Attachment Pulldown.. Mileage, ??? 09/30/15 Wachovia School September Mileage payback (defaults)
₮Do we require an date added on A/P Invoices, Cash receipts, manual cheques, Journal entries ₮No impact on G/L.. Just purely in the cash receipt, cheque, invoice, journal entry files ₮** Would require quite a bit of work so don’t just say YES ** ₮.. Brought up by SD72