Cell › Fundamental unit of living organisms › Carry out metabolism › Specialized throughout the body › Cell membrane › Nucleus Chromosomes Genes Cytology (cyt/o = cell)
Tissues › A group of specialized cells working together › 4 types Epithelial Muscle (voluntary, involuntary and cardiac) Connective Nerve Membranes
Organs › Structures composed of tissues working together Organ (Body) Systems › Composed of several related organs working together to perform a complex function
Organism (example: human body) Body system (example: digestive) Organ (example: liver) Tissues (example: tissues in liver) Cell (example: cells the make up specific tissues)
Anatomical Position: Reference point in medical communication › Directional Terms Anterior or ventral Posterior or dorsal Medial Lateral Proximal Distal Bilateral Unilateral Deep Superficial Parietal Visceral
Body placement positions that make examination, treatment or surgery easier
Sagital plane: divides the body into two parts lengthwise, right and left Frontal (or coronal) plane: divides the body into front and back sections from top to bottom Transverse plane: divides the body into upper (superior or cephalic) and lower (inferior or caudal) portions Imaginary slices through the body at specific points and in specific directions
Describe actions or movements of body parts. Almost always paired: Movement and its opposite Abduction/Adduction Pronation/Supination Flexion/Extension
5: Cranial, Spinal, Thoracic, Abdominal, Pelvic
5 Regions: Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccyx
Imaging permits visualization of the inside of the body Used for diagnostic purposes; may also be used to guide procedures or surgery Written reports in chart › Radiology
X-Rays › Easy to take; good screening tools › May be dye-enhanced › Shades of black, white, and gray only
Fluoroscopy › Shows a moving image › Useful in viewing GI tract and other mobile areas and organs Sonography › Ultrasound imaging – uses sound waves › Can produce a moving image › Often used to see a fetus in utero › Electrocardiography – used to diagnose heart problems
Computerized Tomography (CT, CAT) › Uses computer-generated images of structures within the body › Body is scanned in layers › May use contact media or radioactive substances to enhance pictures PET scan − variation
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) › Uses a magnetic field › Three-dimensional image seen
Surgical procedures have advanced greatly Common terms › Anesthesia › Dressings › Incision › Resection › Tomy vs. ectomy (suffixes) › Biopsy
Path/o = disease › Pathology Autopsy Biopsy › Common terms Etiology Infection Epidemic