2nd Grade ABC’s of Back-to-School Night Mrs. Foy
Attendance All children returning to school following an absence must have a signed absence note, or you may complete on-line on R.E.S. website. Daily attendance is important in second grade. Children running a fever should stay home.
Birthdays To respect the many children with special dietary restrictions, Richboro Elementary has decided to eliminate all birthday treats. Every child will get to choose a “birthday book”, and a goodie bag from me on his or her birthday. No invitations to be sent through school Summer Birthdays are celebrated at the end of the year.
Behavior Classroom rules are created and discussed 1 st week of school. Behavior system (Clip-It) for individuals allows for movement both positive and negative. Rewards: Whole class- Various choices Individual- Choose something from my treasure box when 10 stickers are earned.
Conferences November conferences to review Reading/Lang. Arts assessment and current progress. Please remember to sign up tonight. Must meet with a parent of every student at least once.
Curriculum Language Arts Reading instruction: Journeys Program: comprehension, phonics, fluency. Leveled library and Guided Reading groups to address students at all reading levels Spelling & Grammar: Journeys Writing : Journeys: Instruction in the 6 traits. Moving towards writing for an audience. 2 nd grade writing focuses more on the “art” of writing. See handout for Journeys on-line Math Pearson. Log-in information sheet: Science and Social Studies: 3 science units: Matter, Balancing and Weighing, & Insects. 6 Social Studies units: Veteran’s Day Celebration/Performance More information will be on webpage as we get closer. Please feel free to look through our manuals and books.
I can be contacted by . You can also leave me a voice mail message at (215)
Field Trip Adventure Aquarium Towards end of year Culminates research unit, as well as several of our Journey’s lessons
Goals Develop self confidence in all areas. Willing to take risks. Love of reading. Respect of self and others.
HHomeroom Parents Our homeroom parents are going to be chosen shortly:
Homework Builds responsibility. Purpose: Review and practice of skills taught. Check off assignments as completed. Parent signature. Math Practice Book Maximum of 20 minutes per night. Refer to homework policy on school web page for more information.
Join our RSA Many great opportunities to be involved in Richboro Elementary School. Please Join. Several committees in need of help.
Keys to a Great Year Check your child’s folder/assignment book daily. Good communication between parents and teacher. A positive attitude.
Pretzel Sale Our 5 th and 6 th grade students sell soft pretzels every Thursday. Cost: $.50. Purchased as students get off their busses in the AM. Or pre-order: see webpage. 1 free pretzel to those choosing the pre-order option.
Questions If you ever have questions or concerns please contact me, or me.
Report Cards Second Graders receive report cards the 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th marking periods. (February, April and June) New report card aligns with Common Core State Standards No paper copies- HAC
Second Grade Schedule 8:50-9:15 Smart Board activities 9:15-9:30 Morning announcements, pledge, calendar, morning meeting (Second Step) 9:30-11:30 Language Arts (spelling, reading instruction, writing, and computer time) 11:30-12:00 Recess 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:00 Read Aloud-then independent reading time (book nooks) 1:00-1:45 Math 1:45-2:00 Recess 2:00-2:40 Science/Social Studies 2:40-3:25- Specials 3:25-3:35- Pack up, story 3:40 Dismissal
Teacher 23rd year at Richboro Elementary! 3 years in first grade, 8 years in Kindergarten, 10 years in second grade, 2 years out for child rearing. Taught 2 nd grade in Trenton, NJ, and in private school. Masters in Elementary Counseling 3 children of my own. A college freshman at PSU a Junior at South, and 6 th grader at RES
Visitors Security changes taking place You will be given a visitor’s badge and must have it visible while in the building.
Wes (now Bode) Thursday mornings -30 min. Certified dog and handler Helps children with reading fluency, comprehension, and oral reading confidence. an incentive for students See my web page for articles
You You are your child’s first and most important teacher! No one can influence your child’s life the way you can. Together you and I can make it a great year!
Thank you for coming. Questions???