“Set” Them Up For Success: Striking Skills For Small-Sided Net Games Roxanne Lohmeyer & Peg Buckmaster Ilchester Elementary Howard County Public Schools Roxanne Lohmeyer & Peg Buckmaster Ilchester Elementary Howard County Public Schools
Bugs and Bubbles Written by: Lynn Hefele Literature Enhanced Physical Education
Bugs and Bubbles 1. Balloons (“Bubbles”) Keep It Up! 2. Create a body part pattern 3. Up, Up, and Away!! (Contact Point) 1. Balloons (“Bubbles”) Keep It Up! 2. Create a body part pattern 3. Up, Up, and Away!! (Contact Point)
Bugs and Bubbles Forearm Pass Cues: 1. Feet Ready: Feet are apart in a staggered stance and knees are bent. 2. Thumbs together: (side by side) and even 3. “Trampoline”: Arms are straight like a board (“platform”) 4. Waist Level: Contact ball at medium level 5. Move Feet to the Ball: Move so you are behind the ball and can contact ball at waist level 6. Lift or Push: Knees are bent ; legs extend and body moves up and forward; arms are not swinging Forearm Pass Cues: 1. Feet Ready: Feet are apart in a staggered stance and knees are bent. 2. Thumbs together: (side by side) and even 3. “Trampoline”: Arms are straight like a board (“platform”) 4. Waist Level: Contact ball at medium level 5. Move Feet to the Ball: Move so you are behind the ball and can contact ball at waist level 6. Lift or Push: Knees are bent ; legs extend and body moves up and forward; arms are not swinging
Bugs and Bubbles Forearm Pass Activities: (Balloons, Trainers, Slo-Mo Balls, Beach Balls) **Student Choice is KEY!! 1. Forearm Pass to self – Personal Best (# in a row, “ABC Challenge”) 2. Pairs- Underhand Toss – Forearm Pass, Catch **TEACH THEM HOW TO TOSS!!! **Dot Game: 2 pts = Both Feet on Dot 1 pt = 1 Foot on Dot 0 pts = 0 feet on Dot a) STUDENT CHOICE: Cooperative or Competitive Scoring? b) When you and your partner get points, you can pass back and forth without catching. **Can add a rule that if either partner gets zero, start over. 3. Pairs- Toss to right and left side of passer 4. Pairs- Toss in front and behind passer 5. Shuttle Pass- 4 to 6 people -with a tosser -continuous hits Forearm Pass Activities: (Balloons, Trainers, Slo-Mo Balls, Beach Balls) **Student Choice is KEY!! 1. Forearm Pass to self – Personal Best (# in a row, “ABC Challenge”) 2. Pairs- Underhand Toss – Forearm Pass, Catch **TEACH THEM HOW TO TOSS!!! **Dot Game: 2 pts = Both Feet on Dot 1 pt = 1 Foot on Dot 0 pts = 0 feet on Dot a) STUDENT CHOICE: Cooperative or Competitive Scoring? b) When you and your partner get points, you can pass back and forth without catching. **Can add a rule that if either partner gets zero, start over. 3. Pairs- Toss to right and left side of passer 4. Pairs- Toss in front and behind passer 5. Shuttle Pass- 4 to 6 people -with a tosser -continuous hits
Underhand Serve Cues: 1. Face Target in preparation. 2. Stride Feet: Opposite foot slightly forward. 3. Bend Forward: Slight bend at waist level. 4. Line Up: Hold ball on dominant side of body with non- dominant hand. (“Serving Platter”) 5.Tick-Tock Arm Swing: Swing arm straight back and straight forward. 6. Contact ball between knees and waist level. 7.Follow-Through: Upwards toward intended target 1. Face Target in preparation. 2. Stride Feet: Opposite foot slightly forward. 3. Bend Forward: Slight bend at waist level. 4. Line Up: Hold ball on dominant side of body with non- dominant hand. (“Serving Platter”) 5.Tick-Tock Arm Swing: Swing arm straight back and straight forward. 6. Contact ball between knees and waist level. 7.Follow-Through: Upwards toward intended target
Underhand Serve Activities: 1. Balloon – Individually or Partners (Practice Cues) 2. Light-weight Ball – Serve to Wall or Partner/Catch 3. Dot Game: 2 pts = Both Feet on Dot 1 pt = 1 Foot on Dot 0 pts = 0 feet on Dot STUDENT CHOICE: Cooperative or Competitive Scoring? 4.Pairs – Serve to partner/ Forearm Pass to Self & Catch (Can add as earning 3 pts if successful.) 5. Serve over a “net” to partner/ catch or forearm pass to self and catch. 6.Serve over the net to large floor targets (hoops, mats) 7.Serve to wall above a tape line or towards a large target and forearm pass back to wall if returns to server. 8.Error Analysis: “Why did the ball go where it did on the serve?” (Contact point, follow-through, turned/twisted body? etc….) **Can be used as a formative assessment. 1. Balloon – Individually or Partners (Practice Cues) 2. Light-weight Ball – Serve to Wall or Partner/Catch 3. Dot Game: 2 pts = Both Feet on Dot 1 pt = 1 Foot on Dot 0 pts = 0 feet on Dot STUDENT CHOICE: Cooperative or Competitive Scoring? 4.Pairs – Serve to partner/ Forearm Pass to Self & Catch (Can add as earning 3 pts if successful.) 5. Serve over a “net” to partner/ catch or forearm pass to self and catch. 6.Serve over the net to large floor targets (hoops, mats) 7.Serve to wall above a tape line or towards a large target and forearm pass back to wall if returns to server. 8.Error Analysis: “Why did the ball go where it did on the serve?” (Contact point, follow-through, turned/twisted body? etc….) **Can be used as a formative assessment.
2 –Square/4-Square Underhand striking pattern off a bounce **Slo-Mo Balls, Plastic “Grocery Store” Balls, Beach Balls, Trainers a)“Drop – Bounce – Hit – Bounce – Catch” b) Rally: “Drop – Bounce – Hit” With Continuous Underhand Hits c) Add a small “net” to hit ball over d) Create own game using only the underhand striking pattern. e) 4- Square f) Pairs: Create-a-Game hitting the ball underhand to the wall. Underhand striking pattern off a bounce **Slo-Mo Balls, Plastic “Grocery Store” Balls, Beach Balls, Trainers a)“Drop – Bounce – Hit – Bounce – Catch” b) Rally: “Drop – Bounce – Hit” With Continuous Underhand Hits c) Add a small “net” to hit ball over d) Create own game using only the underhand striking pattern. e) 4- Square f) Pairs: Create-a-Game hitting the ball underhand to the wall.
Overhead Pass Cues: 1. Body Aligned and positioned under the ball 2. Knees, arms, and ankles bent in preparation. 3. “ Window”: Hands rounded and first fingers make a triangle (without touching) in preparation. (“Moose”) 4.“Finger pads Push”: Ball contacts only finger pads; wrists stay firm. 5. Contact ball at forehead level. 7.Follow-Through: Extend arms upwards toward intended target. (“Count 3 Elephants”) to hold your follow-though. 8.Legs also extend. 1. Body Aligned and positioned under the ball 2. Knees, arms, and ankles bent in preparation. 3. “ Window”: Hands rounded and first fingers make a triangle (without touching) in preparation. (“Moose”) 4.“Finger pads Push”: Ball contacts only finger pads; wrists stay firm. 5. Contact ball at forehead level. 7.Follow-Through: Extend arms upwards toward intended target. (“Count 3 Elephants”) to hold your follow-though. 8.Legs also extend.
Overhead Pass Activities: 1.Pairs: 1 partner sits, 1 partner stands behind them and drops ball. **Focus on contact at forehead and full extension (“Count 3 elephants). 2.Personal Best (# in a row) 3.“ABC Challenge” 4.Pass to Wall (Best partner EVER!!)- Aim above a tape line or large target at a high level. 5.Dot Game a) Toss to self- pass to partner b) Toss from partner, pass to partner 6.Pairs: Pass back and forth - Personal Best (# in a row); “ABC Challenge” 7.Shuttle Pass: 4 – 6 People 1.Pairs: 1 partner sits, 1 partner stands behind them and drops ball. **Focus on contact at forehead and full extension (“Count 3 elephants). 2.Personal Best (# in a row) 3.“ABC Challenge” 4.Pass to Wall (Best partner EVER!!)- Aim above a tape line or large target at a high level. 5.Dot Game a) Toss to self- pass to partner b) Toss from partner, pass to partner 6.Pairs: Pass back and forth - Personal Best (# in a row); “ABC Challenge” 7.Shuttle Pass: 4 – 6 People
Advanced Skills & Combination Activities 1.Down ball: Lead-up skill for spiking -Focus on “wrist snap”, no follow-through, placement. -With or without a jump? (JUMP = Hit at top of jump) -Partner (or teacher) tosses ball about 5-10’ off the net **Hit TOWARDS the wall 2.Pepper: Partner practice of “Pass-Set-Hit” -Start with a toss to your partner. -Object is to alternate hits back in forth in the order of forearm pass, overhead pass (“set”), down ball (“hit”). -How long can you keep the pattern going? 3.Overhand Serve: “Toss – Step – Hit” (high) with open hand, follow-through high level, face/point to intended target area. (cross court/ down the line). 4.3 v 3 or 4 v 4 small-sided games to apply skills. -Start with a toss or serve to put ball in play. -Attempt to make a forearm pass to teammate to overhead “set” to a teammate who “hits” (down ball) over net. ** “Call the ball”; Keep ball in play 1.Down ball: Lead-up skill for spiking -Focus on “wrist snap”, no follow-through, placement. -With or without a jump? (JUMP = Hit at top of jump) -Partner (or teacher) tosses ball about 5-10’ off the net **Hit TOWARDS the wall 2.Pepper: Partner practice of “Pass-Set-Hit” -Start with a toss to your partner. -Object is to alternate hits back in forth in the order of forearm pass, overhead pass (“set”), down ball (“hit”). -How long can you keep the pattern going? 3.Overhand Serve: “Toss – Step – Hit” (high) with open hand, follow-through high level, face/point to intended target area. (cross court/ down the line). 4.3 v 3 or 4 v 4 small-sided games to apply skills. -Start with a toss or serve to put ball in play. -Attempt to make a forearm pass to teammate to overhead “set” to a teammate who “hits” (down ball) over net. ** “Call the ball”; Keep ball in play
Student –Teacher Designed Games 1.Decisions for designing a game fall along a continuum between student choices and teacher requirements/decisions. Teacher ChoiceStudent Choice (Less Independent) (More Independent) 1.Decisions for designing a game fall along a continuum between student choices and teacher requirements/decisions. Teacher ChoiceStudent Choice (Less Independent) (More Independent) 2.Considerations for how much independence/student choice is given to students: -Their amount of experience with designing games. -Focus of the lesson/skill development objectives. -Safety Considerations -Age/Grade Level -Their ability to work independently when given the opportunity. 2.Considerations for how much independence/student choice is given to students: -Their amount of experience with designing games. -Focus of the lesson/skill development objectives. -Safety Considerations -Age/Grade Level -Their ability to work independently when given the opportunity. 3. Using Student-Teacher Designed Games is an instructional strategy/tool that ensures differentiation and promotes student success by allowing students to make choices that best fits their own ability level.
Student –Teacher Designed Games Possible questions/ decisions to make when designing a volleying game: a) How many people in the group/ on a team? -Determined by the teacher? (i.e. 4 to 6 people in group) b) How do you start the game? (Toss or Serve?) (Type of serve allowed?) c) How many/ what type of hits are allowed? -Unlimited hits? –Regulation (3 hits) -Another # of hits allowed? -Can the same person hit the ball 2 times in a row? -Is the teacher choosing one skill only to pass? (Lesson Focus) (i.e. forearm pass, overhead pass, both?) (No spiking?) -Can the ball land on the floor? If so, how many times? d) Cooperative or Competitive Scoring? e) How do you score points? f) How do you win the game? -(Certain # of points? Or most points in a certain amount of time?) g) Boundaries? -Determined by teacher for safety reasons? h) What type of ball will be used? i) Other safety considerations: (i.e. No touching net/ crossing under net.) Possible questions/ decisions to make when designing a volleying game: a) How many people in the group/ on a team? -Determined by the teacher? (i.e. 4 to 6 people in group) b) How do you start the game? (Toss or Serve?) (Type of serve allowed?) c) How many/ what type of hits are allowed? -Unlimited hits? –Regulation (3 hits) -Another # of hits allowed? -Can the same person hit the ball 2 times in a row? -Is the teacher choosing one skill only to pass? (Lesson Focus) (i.e. forearm pass, overhead pass, both?) (No spiking?) -Can the ball land on the floor? If so, how many times? d) Cooperative or Competitive Scoring? e) How do you score points? f) How do you win the game? -(Certain # of points? Or most points in a certain amount of time?) g) Boundaries? -Determined by teacher for safety reasons? h) What type of ball will be used? i) Other safety considerations: (i.e. No touching net/ crossing under net.)
Assessment Ideas K- Modified from PE Metrics Skill/Movement Concept: Striking Grade: Kindergarten Objective: Demonstrate striking a lightweight object with different body parts. (pek.1.3.b) Outcome: Demonstrate striking a soft, light-weight object in a self-space using a variety of body parts. Suggested Assessment Task: - Use a soft object and continuously strike it with various body parts while maintaining self space. Kindergarten Assessment Criteria: - Track object - Strikes with variety of body parts - Keeps object in personal space Mature Striking Pattern: - Track object - Strike with a variety of body parts - Keep object in personal space FormContinuous Strikes and Boundaries 4 Proficient/ Consistently Evident Displays all the selected criteria with fluid motion Always sends the object upward, maintains continuous striking action, and travels very little from starting position. 3 Competent/ Evident Displays all the selected criteria Essential Elements: *consistantly sends the ball upward *stays within the boundaries *maintains continuous striking action 2 Progressing/ Developing Displays 2 of 3 criteriaStrikes with 2 of the 3 essential elements present 1 Not EvidentDisplays 1 of 3 criteriaStrikes with one or no essential elements present 0 Does not complete the assessment task
Assessment Ideas 2 nd – 3 rd Grade Formative Assessment- Assess one cue at a time.
Assessment Ideas Intermediate (4 th - 5 th )
Assessment Ideas Intermediate (4 th /5 th )
Assessment Ideas Grades Skill/Movement Concept: Underhand Serve Grade: 6 Outcome: Perform a legal underhand serve with control. (S1.M12.6) Objective: Students will demonstrate mature form for the underhand serve in a modified activity. Suggested Assessment Task: - Students will participate in a 2 v 2 volleyball activity. Grade 6 Assessment Criteria: - Stance - Ball position - Arm movement - Contact - Ball travel Mature Serving Form - Non-dominant foot in front and knees bent - Ball held in non-dominant hand waist high - Arms swings back to front - Contact is made with the heel of the hand - Ball travels over the net and lands in bounds Form 4 Proficient/ Consistently Evident Consistently displays 4 or 5 criteria with mature form 3 Competent/ Evident Consistently displays 3 of 5 criteria with mature form 2 Progressing/ Developing Inconsistantly displays 2 of 5 criteria with mature form 1 Not EvidentDisplays 1 of 5 criteria with mature form 0Does not complete the assessment task
Assessment Ideas Grades 6 - 8