ICS 424: Freedom of expression Aj. Thoranin Intarajak
Agenda. First amendment rights. Freedom of expression: Key Issues. Anonymity. National security letters. Defamation and Hate speech. Pornography.
First amendment rights. The internet enables a worldwide exchange of news, ideas, opinions, rumors and information. It’s broad accessibility, open-minded discussions, and anonymity make the internet an ideal communications medium. It provides an easy inexpensive way for a speaker to send a message indiscriminately to a large audience, potentially thousands of people worldwide.
First amendment rights (cont). People must often make ethical decisions about how to use such remarkable freedom and power. Organization and governments have attempted to establish policies and laws to help guide people as well as to protect their own interests. The right to freedom of expression is one of the most important rights for free people everywhere.
First amendment rights (cont). The first US amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Freedom of expression: Key Issues. Controlling Access to information on the internet. The Communications Decency Act (CDA). CDA allow freer competition among phone, cable, and TV companies. CDA aimed at protecting children from online pornography. The Child Online Protection Act (COPA). COPA makes any communication for commercial purposes that is available to any minor and that includes any material
Freedom of expression: Key Issues (cont). That is harmful to minors shall be fined not more than $50,000, imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both. Internet Filtering An internet filtering is software that can be installed with a web browser to block access to certain website that contain inappropriate or offensive material. The best internet filters use a combination of URL filtering keyword filtering, and dynamic content filtering
Freedom of expression: Key Issues (cont). The popular internet filtering include ContentProtect, CYBERsitter, NetNanny, and CyberPatrol.
Anonymity The principle of anonymous expression allows people to express an opinion without fear of reprisal is an important right of a democratic society. In the wrong hands, anonymous communication can be used as a tool to commit illegal or unethical activities.
National Security Letters A National Security Letter (NSL) requires financial institutions to turn over electronic records about the finances, telephone calls, , and other personal information of suspected terrorists or spies. Recent developments have expanded the scope and power of NSLs to the point that some believe they now represent a treat to freedom of speech.
Defamation and Hate Speech In US, speech that is merely annoying, critical, demeaning, or offensive enjoys protection under the first Amendment. Legal recourse is possible only when hate speech turns into clear threats and intimidation against specific citizens.
Pornography Many adults and free-speech advocates believe that nothing is illegal or wrong about purchasing adult pornographic material made for and by consenting adults. On the other hand, most parents, educators, and other child advocates are upset by the thought of children viewing pornography. They are deeply concerned about its impact on children and fear that increasingly easy access to pornography encourages pedophiles and sexual molesters
Pornography (con) The internet has been a boon to the pornography industry by providing fast, cheap, and convenient access to more than web sex sites. About one in four regular internet users (almost 21 million Americans) visits a Web sex site at least once a month more than the number of visitors to web sports sites.