Living in South Asia Ch. 25.1
Agriculture 60% are in agriculture (India/ Bangladesh) –Mostly subsistence farming –Large use of animal power Plowing, waterwheels, work of tractor –Dependent on rainfall
Agriculture Terracing in the highlands Fruit orchards in Pakistan Rice in Bangladesh/India (4 th /2 nd in world) –Small farms in India –Fertility, rain season for Ganges Plain Huge tea/rubber/coconut plantations in Sri Lanka (thanks Europe) –S.L. now has to import many foods
Green Revolution Background cause: Bengal Famine in 40s –pop. grew faster than food production –Urban boom increased prices –No govn’t support : want to increase and diversify crops –India can now store and export grains (means it has excess) Issues: Monsoons (wet or dry) interrupt cycles & modernization costs $$$
Green Revolution Grow more than one crop on the farmland Increase the amount of land used for farming Develop high yield seeds, use irrigation techniques and chemical fertilizers
Industries India’s economy- after independence in 1947 socialist (more govn’t control) Expanded home industry to be self- sufficient (slow growth for decades) But in 1990s, economic crisis led to market economy consumerism skyrocketed (2 nd to U.S.)
Industries Textiles are huge (38 million workers) Grew out of history of cottage industries (employ workers in home) –Gandhi used spinning wheel as symbol of strength & independence for India (self-reliance)
Industries Mining and fishing are still prevalent –Bang. = commercial fishers vs. local Iron & steel are major heavy industries –Ship Breaking dismantle and melt down old ships
Chittagong, Bang.
Industries High-Technology Sector- computer, communications, aerospace, software –Bangalore & Hyderabad= “India’s Silicon Valley” –India is 2 nd largest exporter of software Mix this with English and…
Outsourcing/Offshoring Transfer of management or production to another country –Lower labor & energy costs –Efficient land use –Foundations for global expansion India is known for call centers, but that is w/ higher educ.
Tourism Come to hike, hunt in Himalayas See India’s temples & festivals (millions of ppl per year) But religious, and political violence is causing a drop in tourism (S.L., Kashmir) Some restrict tourists to preserve environ. –Bhutan ( <5,000 tourist visas ea. year)
What’s the Problem? Labor Force of India Agriculture: 60% Industry: 12% Services: 28% Gross Domestic Product Agriculture: 20% Industry: 19% Services: 61%