What Can My ELLs Do? Grade Level Cluster 3-5 A Quick Reference Guide for Planning Instructional Tasks for English Language Learners
What Can My ELLs Do? Language Functions from the WIDA Standards Framework The following tables list language behaviors that can be expected from English Language Learners at each level of language development. All of these language functions are from the WIDA standards framework for classroom instruction. Teachers may wish to post these lists as a quick reference to aid in differentiation when planning.
What Can My ELLs Do? Remember: Comprehension precedes Production. At lower levels of language proficiency, the skills related to listening and reading are listed before those related to speaking and writing. At upper levels, less cognitively demanding skills are listed first. Teachers will want to incorporate all four language domains in planning for instruction. However, when introducing new content, it is beneficial to first assign tasks that develop comprehension. Speaking and writing tasks should follow, with the most cognitively demanding language functions assigned last.
Grade Level Cluster 3-5 Level 1 Follow Respond non- verbally Make collections Collect Match Sort Estimate Draw and label Differentiate Identify needed materials Sequence Indicate Use cues to decode Repeat Copy Locate on map Produce lists Recreate models Answer simple WH- questions Describe Ask for help
Level 1 functions and … Compare characteristics or amounts Describe simple features of objects, people, or locations Use maps and graphic organizers Predict Recognize from written directions Use prior knowledge Associate descriptive phrases with objects Grade Level Cluster 3-5 Level 2 Follow patterns Match voice to print Find ideas from pictures or text Respond in 1-2 words Search for spoken words Construct from written directions Measure Identify List orally or in writing
Grade Level Cluster 3-5 Level 3 Level 1 and 2 functions and … Show comprehension non- verbally Select materials based on oral description of task Ask wh-questions Categorize, classify Make evaluative choices (better, best) Compare self with others Describe simple processes or procedures Describe locations on a map Cross check information Distinguish Sequence descriptive sentences Confirm predictions Organize familiar information Respond in writing Use punctuation Edit own writing Read expressively Identify patterns and story structure
Grade Level Cluster 3-5 Level 4 Level 1-3 functions and … Investigate Use phonics clues Self monitor Self-correct Follow written directions Find solutions Sequence sentences Ask for clarification by restating Compare attributes of objects Give directions Describe strategies for____. (health, safety, writing, math…) Explain usefulness of procedures Write complex sentences Write short narratives Write descriptions Produce reports on historical or scientific topics
Grade Level Cluster 3-5 Level 5 Level 1-4 functions and … Re-enact events from reading or film Compile information Decide appropriate method Build models based on written directions Read expressively, adjusting pace Evaluate Make conditional choices (If___, then ___) Categorize choices Ask for or provide specific information to confirm or deny beliefs Compile resources Explain differences in own motivations and those of literary/historical figures Problem-solve by integrating or synthesizing mathematical procedures Show self-reflection as response to literature Identify reasons and give explanations