INTERCONNECT MODELING M.Arvind 2nd M.E Microelectronics


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Presentation transcript:

INTERCONNECT MODELING M.Arvind 2nd M.E Microelectronics

OVERVIEW Introduction to On-Chip interconnects Modeling the parasitics Elmore Delay Model Repeater insertion Min delay condition Power Model Optimizing Power

Introduction to On-chip interconnects Wires linking the transistors together Three types of interconnects : Local Semi-global and Global interconnect

Introduction to On-chip interconnects Can be modeled as R, RC, LC, RLC or RLGC network. Power lines R,RL Signal lines C, RC Clock lines & buses RLC

Modeling a piece of wire

Capacitance Modeling Capacitance cw = 2 * (cg + cf * cc ) cf is the coupling factor

Capacitance Modeling (cont) cg has 2 components: cg1, cg2

Simplified Capacitance Model For a circuit designer ILDT, h and ε are fixed. Therefore,

Fringing Effects

Modeling Wire Resistance

Pros and Cons of Cu Pros Cons Better electro-migration resistance Cu atoms diffuses into SiO2 Cladding layers of TiN, Si3N4 used to prevent this Increases the resistance

Elmore Delay Model Delay of a RC network is given by

Delay of a long wire Delay grows quadratic Hence need repeaters

Repeater Insertion Repeaters are placed to reduce delay

Repeater Insertion (cont) Delay grows linear

Modeling the repeater Repeater is a large inverter (5-25μm) placed in-between interconnect lines. Cgate, Cp α size of the repeater RT = VDD/2*Iavg, where Iavg = ∫Iddt in the interval Td

Modeling the repeater (cont)

Delay equations Delay of an interconnect segment is Total delay is

Optimal Repeater Size and Spacing The minimum delay condition

Power modeling Total power dissipated in the interconnect network is given by Ptotal= Pdy + Psc + Pleak Pdy = Ctotal V²ddf Psc = Isc per μm Vdd Wtotalftt Pleak = Ileak per μm WtotalVdd Where  is the switching factor, tt is the time taken for the input to transit from Vthn to Vdd – Vthp

Power modeling (cont)

Optimizing power Min delay does not imply min power

Techniques to Reduce Power Can be reduced by decreasing Supply voltage Size of repeaters Number of repeaters

Optimal Power Delay Tradeoff

References William J.Dally John W.Poulton., ”Digital Systems Engineering” Cambridge University Press,1998 Kaustav Banerjee et al., ”A power-optimal insertion methodology for global interconnects in nanometer designs” IEEE TRANSACTION ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 49, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2002 Kaustav Banerjee et al., ”A global interconnect optimization scheme for nanometer scale VLSI with implications for latency, bandwidth, and power dissipation” IEEE TRANSACTION ON ELECTRON DEVICES. VOL. 51, NO.2, FEBRUARY 2004.

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