Series: You ask for it Is Jesus the only way? If God is love, why is there suffering? What is the big deal about being unequally yoked? To judge or not to judge?
Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way? Peter’s Confession of Christ Matthew 16:13-17
How can we be sure Jesus is a real person? Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way?
Jesus may have been a real person but is he God? What Jesus said about himself? Mark 14:61-65 Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way?
Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way? What evidence is there to support Jesus’ claim? His character His impact His miraculous birth His miracles His resurrection
Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way? What happens to those who died without ever hearing about Jesus? Romans 1:18-20 Only God can judge
Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way? If Jesus is God, is He your Lord?
Y OU A SKED F OR I T ! Is Jesus the only way?