PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE Revelation and the Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry. By Noel Platt
Revelation and the Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry. The Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry has more to do with interpreting Revelation than anyone has hitherto expected. The Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry has more to do with interpreting Revelation than anyone has hitherto expected. The Old Testament Prophecies point towards these events The Old Testament Prophecies point towards these events It is relevant to the book’s original audience It is relevant to the book’s original audience –Providing the encouragement to endure Jewish & Roman persecution –Mirroring what first century Christians were enduring Relevant to Christians today Relevant to Christians today –Providing a role model for Christian living –Providing the meaning of History The Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry anticipates the future. The Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry anticipates the future. –With the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the end of history has already (in a sense) occurred because the end of the world will be on a COSMIC scale, what has already taken place in Christ.
Revelation and the Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry. Revelation was written towards the end of the first century AD when the false doctrine of Docetism was threatening the Churches of Asia minor. Revelation was written towards the end of the first century AD when the false doctrine of Docetism was threatening the Churches of Asia minor. This is attested by other Johnine Epistles written to counter docetism. This is attested by other Johnine Epistles written to counter docetism. Docetists believed that the Christ event was an illusion (Christ was a mere appearance and not a real person). Docetists believed that the Christ event was an illusion (Christ was a mere appearance and not a real person).
Revelation and the Close of Christ’s Earthly Ministry. Revelation was written to counter Docetism by emphasizing the shear and ultimate reality of Christ and the Christ event. Revelation was written to counter Docetism by emphasizing the shear and ultimate reality of Christ and the Christ event. John did so by using Old Testament symbolism to write Revelation as an allegorical illusion behind which lay the ultimate reality of the Christ event. John did so by using Old Testament symbolism to write Revelation as an allegorical illusion behind which lay the ultimate reality of the Christ event. To do this he was drawing upon the fact that the use of symbols and illusions always assigns greater significance to the meaning behind the symbols and illusions. To do this he was drawing upon the fact that the use of symbols and illusions always assigns greater significance to the meaning behind the symbols and illusions.
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : Revelation 6 LESSON LESSON Read Matt 24:4-10 & compare it with Rev 6:1-8 Read Matt 24:4-10 & compare it with Rev 6: What does Matt 24:5 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the first horseman? 1. What does Matt 24:5 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the first horseman? 2. What does Matt 24:6 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the second horseman? 2. What does Matt 24:6 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the second horseman? 3. What does Matt 24:7 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the third horseman? 3. What does Matt 24:7 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the third horseman? 4. What does Matt 24:9,10 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the fourth horseman? 4. What does Matt 24:9,10 suggest is indicated by the symbol of the fourth horseman? Read the parallel passage to Mat 24 in Luke 21. Read the parallel passage to Mat 24 in Luke 21. Under the fifth seal, the Souls under the Altar are encouraged to be patient. How does this relate to Luke 21:19 ? Under the fifth seal, the Souls under the Altar are encouraged to be patient. How does this relate to Luke 21:19 ?
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : Read Matt 24: and compare it with Rev 6:12-17 Read Matt 24: and compare it with Rev 6: What does the text in Matthew suggest about the happenings described under the sixth seal? 5. What does the text in Matthew suggest about the happenings described under the sixth seal?
The anointing at Bethany The vision of the angel & censer.
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : Read John 12:1-8 and compare this with Rev 8:3-5 Read John 12:1-8 and compare this with Rev 8:3-5 List the similarities & parallels. List the similarities & parallels.
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : Read Mat 21:19-20 and compare it with Rev 8:7 Read Mat 21:19-20 and compare it with Rev 8:7 List the similarities and parallels: List the similarities and parallels:
In Revelation: In Matthew: Burning Mountain cast into the Jesus mentions a Mountain cast sea. Into the sea. The same mountain with the dried up fig tree.
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : Read the reference to a mountain in Mat 21:21 and compare it with the mountain in Rev 8:8. Read the reference to a mountain in Mat 21:21 and compare it with the mountain in Rev 8:8. What are the similarities? What are the similarities? What are the differences? What are the differences? How can the ‘burning’ be accounted for in terms of the text in Matthew? (Read the section prior to verse 21) How can the ‘burning’ be accounted for in terms of the text in Matthew? (Read the section prior to verse 21)
REVELATION CHAPTER 17 In his crucifixion Jesus became sin, which means that he became all those who are evil, sinful wicked and abhorrent to God. Hence he spiritually became the Whore of Babylon.
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : REVELATION 17. Read Rev 17 and the account of Christ’s crucifixion in Mat 27:33-50, Read Rev 17 and the account of Christ’s crucifixion in Mat 27:33-50, Which symbol in Rev 17 represents Jesus as SIN? Which symbol in Rev 17 represents Jesus as SIN? Which symbol in Rev 17 corresponds to the crucifixion nails? Which symbol in Rev 17 corresponds to the crucifixion nails? Which symbol in Rev 17 corresponds to the inscription above Jesus’ cross? Which symbol in Rev 17 corresponds to the inscription above Jesus’ cross? Which symbols in Rev 17 are used to represent the drunkenness usually but not always induced into crucifixion victims in order to help dull the initial pain of crucifixion? (Mat 27:34) Which symbols in Rev 17 are used to represent the drunkenness usually but not always induced into crucifixion victims in order to help dull the initial pain of crucifixion? (Mat 27:34) Which symbol in Rev 17 corresponds to ‘the place of the skull’? Which symbol in Rev 17 corresponds to ‘the place of the skull’? Which symbols in Rev 17 represent the sufferings endured by crucifixion victims (burning fevers, nakedness etc.)? Which symbols in Rev 17 represent the sufferings endured by crucifixion victims (burning fevers, nakedness etc.)?
The angel of the Lord descends The White Horse Rider & overcomes the Roman guards & overcomes the armies of the beast
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : REVELATION 19 Read Rev 19:11-21 Read Rev 19:11-21 Read Mat 28:2-4 Read Mat 28:2-4 List the similarities List the similarities List the differences. List the differences. How can the differences be accounted for? How can the differences be accounted for?
In Matthew Previously dead In Revelation. Saints rise & appear to The first Resurrection many after Christ’s Resurrection.
PRIMER ON THE APOCALYPSE : The First Resurrection. Read Mat 27: 52,53, 54 and compare it with Rev 20:4-6 Read Mat 27: 52,53, 54 and compare it with Rev 20:4-6 How do you think these texts relate? How do you think these texts relate? What number is embodied in the term ‘Centurion’ (Mat 27:54)? What number is embodied in the term ‘Centurion’ (Mat 27:54)? How do you think this number relates to a thousand? How do you think this number relates to a thousand?