Biblical Qualities of Leadership
The Need For Leadership A nation without a leader is in chaos (Judges 21:25). A home without leadership is in chaos (Eph. 5:22, 6:1-4). A church without elders is “lacking” (Titus 1:5).
1. The FAITH of Abraham Hebrews 11:8-10 – Abraham walked by faith. Romans 4:18-25 – Abraham’s faith allowed him to hope against hope, believing God was able to do what He promised. Hebrews 11:17-19 – Abraham’s faith passed the test. Good leaders must be people of strong faith.
2. The MEEKNESS of Moses Proverbs 16:32 – greatness is measured by one’s ability to rule and control himself. Numbers 12:1-10 – Moses did not retaliate, but was able to endure hostilities against himself because of his meekness. Good leaders must be meek and humble.
3. The COURAGE of Joshua Joshua 1:1-9 – was told to “be strong and of good courage.” Good leaders must be people of strength and courage.
4. The ACCOUNTABILITY of David 2 Samuel 12:13 – David took responsibility for his sin. Leaders can deny their sins, or blame their sins upon others; but godly men will take responsibility for their own actions. Good leaders aren’t perfect, but they are accountable for their actions.
5. The PRAYER LIFE of Nehemiah The book of Nehemiah is written like a journal, recording the work he did in rebuilding Jerusalem both physically and spiritually. Prayer plays an important role in this book; mentioned twelve times. Good leaders must be praying people.
Biblical Qualities of Leadership Faith Meekness Courage Accountability Prayer